
更新日 : 2024/02/02 募集終了日 : 2024/04/15
更新日 : 2024/02/02
募集終了日 : 2024/04/15

勤務地 : Kanto district - Ibaraki

公開開始日 : 2024/02/05

Assistant Professor (Asian linguistics)


National university

University of Tsukuba

研究分野 : Humanities & Social Sciences - Linguistics

Assistant Professor level : Regular employee - Nontenured - Non-tenure track - Probationary period absent


  • 募集の背景、プロジェクトの説明

    Institute of Humanities and Social Sciences at the University of Tsukuba is seeking applications for an Assistant Professor in the field of Asian linguistics.

  • 仕事内容・職務内容

    (1)Teaching linguistics at College of Humanities
    (2) Teaching linguistics at Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences
    (3)Administrative tasks for Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences and College of Humanities
    (4)Other related tasks

  • 配属部署

    Existing departments

    Institute of Humanities and Social Sciences


  • Assistant Professor level


  • Humanities & Social Sciences - Linguistics


  • Annual Salary : 4 million yen ~ 7 million yen

    The annual salary system is applied. Salary is based on age, qualifications, and experience, as per university policy.


  • Working hours :08:30-17:15

    Holidays : Sundays, Saturdays, National holidays, and Dec. 29 through Jan. 3

    Overtime and other explanations : Start time and working hours are based on 7 hours 45 min per day, 5 days a week, a total of 38 hours 45 min per week. Start and end times as well as break times can be altered at employee's discretion. Break (60 min.) Overtime (yes)



  • 応募に必要な学歴・学位

    Ph.D. / Doctor

    expected to obtain a doctoral degree prior to employment

  • 業務における経験

    Research achievements in the field of Asian linguistics (not including Japanese linguistics)


  • Regular employee


  • Nontenured - Non-tenure track

    Three years, plus two additional years based on a renewal assessment (non-tenure track, five years in total)

    Probationary period absent


  • 〒305-8571 Ibaraki 1-1-1,Tennodai, Tsukuba



  • 面接実施に関しての配慮(海外など遠方にお住まいの方、他)

    There is also the possibility that interviews will be held online. (Interviews for applicants abroad will be held online.)


    1 person(s)

    Hiring date : 2024/10/01

    Starting date : 2024/10/01


  • 2024/02/05~2024/04/15 Deadline for receipt


  • 応募書類

    Application Form : Online Submission
    (Annex Form No. 3, downloadable : URL of institution or department)
    Achievements and Activities : Online Submission
    List of at least three and no more than five publications (books and/or papers) published within the last five years (Annex Form No. 4, downloadable)

    Other online application forms
    ・List of teaching experience (Annex Form No. 5, downloadable)
    ・List of all publications and presentations. (If the applicant has received grants, awards, or other types of external research funding, please be sure to include the information. Complete Research Achievement Record, downloadable)
    ・A copy of the main publications listed in the "List of publications" (= Annex Form No. 4)
    ・Consent to Processing and Extraterritorial Transfer of Personal Data under GDPR (EU General Data Protection Regulation)
    (Applicants located in the countries that make up the European Economic Area or in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland should submit the consent form).
    ・Self-Declaration on Specific Categories (downloadable)
    ・Information below (free format)
    a. E-mail address and phone number of the applicant
    b. Contact information of two references (name, affiliation, e-mail address, phone number, etc.)

    Applications are only accepted via the JREC-IN Portal web application. Please upload your application documents in PDF format via the JREC-IN Portal website.
    Please note that incomplete documents may not be included for review, so please be careful when preparing your application.

  • ※募集期間外です。

JREC-IN Portal Web応募
Not available
Not available


  • 選考内容

    After document screening, qualified applicants will be invited to have an interview in Japanese and to make a model lesson on the Tsukuba Campus at the University of Tsukuba. Transportation expenses for the interview will not be reimbursed.

  • 結果通知方法

    By e-mail


University of Tsukuba

Institute of Humanities and Social Sciences

Yoshihito Sasaki




“IMAGINE THE FUTURE. Assistant Professor System” is applied to this position. See the website of "Job content" for more information about it.
