
更新日 : 2024/07/10 募集終了日 : 2024/07/31
更新日 : 2024/07/10
募集終了日 : 2024/07/31

勤務地 : Hokuriku and Koshinetsu district - Niigata

公開開始日 : 2024/05/23

Recruitment of Associate Professor, Lecturer or Assistant Professor in Department of Electrical, Electronics and Information Engineering,(Information, Telecommunication and Control Group)


National university

研究分野 : Informatics - Mathematical informatics | Informatics - Theory of informatics | Informatics - Perceptual information processing | Informatics - Intelligent informatics | Manufacturing Technology - Communication and network engineering

Associate Professor : Regular employee - Tenured - Non-tenure track - Probationary period present

Lecturer level : Regular employee - Tenured - Non-tenure track - Probationary period present

Assistant Professor level : Regular employee - Tenured - Non-tenure track - Probationary period present


  • 募集の背景、プロジェクトの説明

    Electrical and electronic engineering and related information and communication fields. Mathematical informatics, intelligent informatics, perceptual information processing, computational science, mathematical optimization, nonlinear systems, etc. We invite applications from individuals who are strongly motivated and passionate about creating innovative technologies related to information, communication, and control engineering in education and research in the field of electrical, electronic, and information engineering.

  • 仕事内容・職務内容

    Promotion of research in the above-mentioned specialized fields, teaching basic and specialized courses, supervising experiments and exercises, and supervising doctoral dissertations, master's theses, and theses on research themes.
    (Scope of change) Duties as determined by the University.

  • 配属部署

    Existing departments

    Information, Telecommunication and Control Group, Department of Electrical, Electronics and Information Engineering

Nagaoka University of Technology


  • Associate Professor
  • Lecturer level
  • Assistant Professor level


  • Informatics - Mathematical informatics
  • Informatics - Theory of informatics
  • Informatics - Perceptual information processing
  • Informatics - Intelligent informatics
  • Manufacturing Technology - Communication and network engineering


  • Associate Professor

    Annual Salary : 5 million yen ~ 8 million yen

    Associate Professor:approx. 5.6~7.7 million yen

    *Wages will be determined based on education and work history.
    *Based on our University's salary regulations(New annual salary system applied), including bonuses

  • Lecturer level

    Annual Salary : 4 million yen ~ 8 million yen

    Lecturer :approx. 4.9~7.2 million yen

    *Wages will be determined based on education and work history.
    *Based on our University's salary regulations(New annual salary system applied), including bonuses

  • Assistant Professor level

    Annual Salary : 3 million yen ~ 7 million yen

    Assistant Professor:approx. 3.8~6.2 million

    *Wages will be determined based on education and work history.
    *Based on our University's salary regulations(New annual salary system applied), including bonuses


  • Associate Professor

    Working hours :08:30-17:15

    Break time :12:00-13:00

    Holidays : Weekends, National holidays, October 1st (anniversary of the opening of the university)

    Overtime and other explanations : By agreeing to apply the discretionary work system for specialized work, the employee is considered to have worked 7 hours and 45 minutes per day on a given workday. If the discretionary work system for specialized work is not applied, the employee will work from 8:30 to 17:15 five days a week (break 12:00 to 13:00), and may be ordered to work overtime.

  • Lecturer level

    Working hours :08:30-17:15

    Break time :12:00-13:00

    Holidays : Weekends, National holidays, October 1st (anniversary of the opening of the university)

    Overtime and other explanations : By agreeing to apply the discretionary work system for specialized work, the employee is considered to have worked 7 hours and 45 minutes per day on a given workday. If the discretionary work system for specialized work is not applied, the employee will work from 8:30 to 17:15 five days a week (break 12:00 to 13:00), and may be ordered to work overtime.

  • Assistant Professor level

    Working hours :08:30-17:15

    Break time :12:00-13:00

    Holidays : Weekends, National holidays, October 1st (anniversary of the opening of the university)

    Overtime and other explanations : By agreeing to apply the discretionary work system for specialized work, the employee is considered to have worked 7 hours and 45 minutes per day on a given workday. If the discretionary work system for specialized work is not applied, the employee will work from 8:30 to 17:15 five days a week (break 12:00 to 13:00), and may be ordered to work overtime.



  • 応募に必要な学歴・学位

    Ph.D. / Doctor

  • 説明

    Applicants must hold a doctoral degree or be able to obtain one by the time of appointment, and have a passion for education and research in the above fields. Those who can actively promote industry-university collaboration, technical college collaboration, international exchange, long-term internships, and education/research guidance for international students based on the purpose of the establishment of the university.
    Those who are willing to take on the challenge of interdisciplinary research with social impact.


  • Associate Professor

    Regular employee

  • Lecturer level

    Regular employee

  • Assistant Professor level

    Regular employee


  • Associate Professor

    Tenured - Non-tenure track

    Probationary period present

    Trial period: 6 months

  • Lecturer level

    Tenured - Non-tenure track

    Probationary period present

    Trial period: 6 months

  • Assistant Professor level

    Tenured - Non-tenure track

    Probationary period present

    Trial period: 6 months


  • 〒940-2188 Niigata 1603-1, Kamitomioka, Nagaoka Nagaoka University of Technology

    (Scope of Change) Work at a location determined by the University. (Includes telecommuting.)


  • 各種制度

    Pay increase system : available

    Bonus : available FY2023actual: 4.42 months

    Retirement allowances : available

    Transportation expenses : available *Maximum amount: 55,000 yen/month
    Paid in accordance with the University's regulations.

    Retirement age : available Retirement age: 65 years old

  • 加入保険

    Employees' Health Insurance : available Joining the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology Mutual Aid Association.

    Employees' Pension Insurance : available Joining the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology Mutual Aid Association.

    Worker's accident insurance : available

    Employment insurance : available

  • 就業場所における受動喫煙防止のための取組事項

    No smoking on the premises

  • 待遇ー補足説明

    【Salary Regulations for Employees】
    【Regulations for Staff Subject to the New Annual Salary System】
    【Staff Employment Regulations】



    1 person(s)

    Hiring date : 2024/10/01

    Starting date : 2024/10/01

  • 求人内容補足説明

    As soon as possible after October 1 ,2024


  • 2024/05/23~2024/07/31 Deadline for receipt

    must be received by 13:00 JST


  • 応募書類

    Other online application forms
    (1) Curriculum vitae (including profile photo, activities of academic society, reward and punishment, e-mail address, etc.)
    (2) List of research achievements: please categorize and describe as follows.
      ① Peer-reviewed papers,
      ② proceedings of international conferences,
     ③ keynote addresses and invited lectures,
     ④ patents (including the application number and registration number),
     ⑤ books, reviews, and commentaries,
     ⑥ achievement of acquisition of external funding (classified into representatives and others),
     ⑦ experience of education and research abroad, and
     ⑧ other special matters including awards
    (3) Reprints of major papers (about 5, photocopies acceptable),
    (4) Research plan and statement(about 2,000 characters on A4 paper)
    (5) Future education and research plan (about 2,000 characters on A4 paper)

    Please create each of the submitting documents (1) to (5) in PDF format, and compile them into one ZIP file. Please name the ZIP file as "Information and Communication Control_Nonlinear_YourName.ZIP", and attach it to the following two e-mail addresses.
    Department Head Prof. Hiroshi ONO onoh@vos.nagaokaut.ac.jp
    Chair Prof. Masahiro IWAHASHI iwahashi@vos.nagaokaut.ac.jp

    ※Please use the subject line "Information and Communication Control_Nonlinear_YourName".
    ※The zip file size should be less than 10MB.
    ※Please note that Assistant Professors will be assigned to the Nonlinear Systems Engineering Laboratory (https://whs.nagaokaut.ac.jp/circuit/).

  • 応募書類の返却

    We will dispose of all application documents responsibly.

JREC-IN Portal Web応募
Not available
Not available



  • 選考内容

    First Selection: Document Screening
    Second Selection:Interview and Presentation

    *Applicants are responsible for their own travel and accommodation expenses for the selection process.

  • 結果通知方法

    Notification by mail, e-mail, or telephone


Nagaoka University of Technology

Department of Electrical, Electronics and Information Engineering, Nagaoka University of Technology

Prof. Hiroshi ONO and Prof.Masahiro IWAHASHI



Contact details
Prof. Hiroshi ONO onoh@vos.nagaokaut.ac.jp
Prof. Masahiro IWAHASHI iwahashi@vos.nagaokaut.ac.jp


To promote the recruitment of young faculty members , female faculty members, and non-Japanese faculty members, our University provides various types of support, such as start-up support and Japanese language training support. (For details, please refer to the University's website: https://www.nagaokaut.ac.jp/annai/jyoho/20240507.html)

Our University has established a young faculty development system (training system and mentor system) to motivate and encourage young faculty members in their education and research activities.(For details, please refer to the University's website: https://www.nagaokaut.ac.jp/annai/jyoho/wakateikusei.html).

The University is making active efforts for gender equality, and is providing support for balancing life events and work. (For details, please refer to the University's website: https://gender.nagaokaut.ac.jp/support/system/)

Personal information contained in application materials will not be used for any purpose other than selection and employment.
