
更新日 : 2024/06/24 募集終了日 : 2024/08/22
更新日 : 2024/06/24
募集終了日 : 2024/08/22

勤務地 : Kinki district - Osaka

公開開始日 : 2024/06/24

Public Recruitment of Specially Appointed Faculty Members [Mi-Room]


Private university

研究分野 : Humanities & Social Sciences - Unspecified

Associate Professor : Regular employee - Nontenured - Non-tenure track - Probationary period absent

Assistant Professor level : Regular employee - Nontenured - Non-tenure track - Probationary period absent


  • 募集の背景、プロジェクトの説明

    Specially Appointed Faculty Member

  • 仕事内容・職務内容

    Successful applicant will perform the following six duties:
    ①Planning and operating extracurricular learning activities provided in English at Mi-Room (Multilingual Immersion Room)*1 (Planning and operation based on Japanese)
    ②Teaching courses offered in English (English training courses*2)
    ③Developing and managing summer/winter holiday reception programs for students arriving from abroad
    ④Developing and managing global educational programs
    ⑤Developing and being in charge of international programs at Kansai University (training in Japan and overseas dispatch)
    ⑥Other operations conducive to the promotion of internationalization*3

    *1: Mi-Room website
    *2: “Course titles: Foundation for Academic English / English Skill Up for TOEFL/IELTS / KUGF Independent Study (English Skills Development)” and other classes in common liberal arts level (plan)
    *3: Successful applicant will be required to contribute considerably to operations related to international education aside from the above.

  • 配属部署

    Existing departments

    International Education Support Team, International Education Office, International Affairs Bureau, Kansai University


  • Associate Professor
  • Assistant Professor level


  • Humanities & Social Sciences - Unspecified


  • Common to all Job Types

    Annual Salary : 4 million yen ~ 6 million yen


  • Common to all Job Types

    Working hours :09:00-17:50



  • 応募に必要な学歴・学位


    Applicant should preferably meet all of the following requirements:
    ①Applicant has a doctorate (including Ph.D.) in the relevant field as of the time of employment or has equivalent research achievements.
    ②Applicant can actively prepare Course Materials and conduct classes for the global human resource development curriculum using ICT.
    ③Applicant has experience practicing and preparing Course Materials for project based learning (PBL) or active learning for class, or can actively do so.
    ④Applicant has sufficient educational experience at universities in and/or outside of Japan.
    ⑤Applicant has English proficiency for giving a class in English. Applicant should also have Japanese proficiency that enables him/her to support students in Japanese as necessary during class.


  • Common to all Job Types

    Regular employee



  • Common to all Job Types

    Nontenured - Non-tenure track

    One-year term. Renewable up to two terms.

    Probationary period absent


  • 〒564-8680 Osaka 3-3-35 Yamate-cho, Suita-shi


  • 加入保険

    Employees' Health Insurance : available

    Employees' Pension Insurance : available

    Worker's accident insurance : available

    Employment insurance : available

  • 待遇ー補足説明

    ① Salary and work conditions, etc.
    As specified in the university rules.
    ② Insurance, etc.
    Coverage of faculty & staff mutual aid for private schools (health insurance and welfare pension program), employment insurance, and industrial accident compensation insurance.



    1 person(s)

    Hiring date : 2025/04/01

    Starting date : 2025/04/01

  • 求人内容補足説明

    [Job description]
    Successful applicant will perform the following six duties:
    ①Planning and operating extracurricular learning activities provided in English at Mi-Room (Multilingual Immersion Room)*1 (Planning and operation based on Japanese)
    ②Teaching courses offered in English (English training courses *2)
    ③Developing and managing summer/winter holiday reception programs for students arriving from abroad
    ④Developing and managing global educational programs
    ⑤Developing and being in charge of international programs at Kansai University (training in Japan and overseas dispatch)
    ⑥Other operations conducive to the promotion of internationalization*3

    *1: Mi-Room website
    *2: “Course titles: Foundation for Academic English / TOEFL Score Up Training / KUGF Independent Study (English Skills Development)" and other classes in common liberal arts level (plan)
    *3: Successful applicant will be required to contribute considerably to operations related to international education aside from the above.

    ① Senriyama Campus
    ② Possible temporary work at satellite campuses (Sakai Campus, Takatsuki Campus, Takatsuki Muse Campus, etc.) when necessary.

    [Number of people to be recruited]
    One person

    [Scheduled date of employment]
    April 1, 2025


  • 2024/06/24~2024/08/22 Deadline for receipt


JREC-IN Portal Web応募
Not available
Not available



  • 選考内容

    document screening and interview

  • 結果通知方法

    1. Documents required
    Convert the following five application documents into PDF format and combine them into a single zip file. Send your submission from “Web Application” on the JREC-IN Portal.
    ①Resume (form attached)
    ②Research achievements (form attached)
    ③ Description of your interests in international educational activities based on collaboration with overseas universities (not limited to student mobility) and your goals for engaging in education (Max. Two A4 sheets, any format, to be submitted in Japanese or English)
    ④ Three major educational and/or research achievements (publications, research papers, translated works, journal articles, textbooks, etc.)
    ⑤ Proof of any awards such as academic awards in your research area (if you have any)
    * Any personal information that you submit will only be used for considering your application to the teaching position and will be properly handled according to the Act on the Protection of Personal Information.

    - In your resume or research achievements, provide either your name and seal or your handwritten signature (no seal required) in the Name field before converting it into PDF format.
    - If any of your major achievements is a booklet or otherwise difficult to convert to PDF format, send three copies of such documentation. In principle, submitted achievements are not returned.
    [Send to] 3-3-35 Yamate-cho, Suita-shi, Osaka 564-8680
    International Education Support Team, International Education Office, International Affairs Bureau, Kansai University
    * On the front side of the envelope, please write in red [Application documents for Specially Appointed Faculty Members (Mi-Room) included] before sending your documents.

    2.Deadline of submission
    Documents must arrive by Thursday, August 22, 2024 17:00 (JST)

    International Education Support Team, International Education Office, International Affairs Bureau, Kansai University
    E-mail: kugf@ml.kandai.jp
    * When making an inquiry, your subject should be: “(Inquiry) Application for Specially Appointed Faculty Member for the Division for Promotion of Educational Development.”

    ①Note that your application documents will not be returned.
    ②After reviewing your documents, we will send out the first screening result on Thursday, August 29, 2024.
    ③Applicants proceeding to the second screening will be asked to submit all achievements (all publications excluding verbal presentations) and a certificate of completion of highest education (copy of diploma is also acceptable).
    ④Submission of other documents may be required during the screening process.
    ⑤Applicants proceeding to the second screening will be invited for an interview, including giving a trial lesson, on Saturday, September 7, 2024. (online or face-to-face)
    ⑥Finalists will be asked to submit an official document certifying their educational background (certificate of completion of graduate school, master’s or doctorate diploma).
    ⑦We are committed to promoting gender equality, and we welcome applications from individuals of all genders and nationalities.


Kansai University

International Education Support Team, International Education Office, International Affairs Bureau, Kansai University

kugf team



