
更新日 : 2024/04/10 募集終了日 : 2024/05/31
更新日 : 2024/04/10
募集終了日 : 2024/05/31

勤務地 : Kanto district - Tokyo | Kanto district - Saitama

公開開始日 : 2024/04/10

Tenure-Track or Tenured Faculty Position in Digital Marketing and Business


Private university

Tokyo International University

研究分野 : Humanities & Social Sciences - Business administration | Humanities & Social Sciences - Commerce | Informatics - Intelligent informatics

Professor level : Regular employee - Nontenured - Tenure-track - Probationary period absent

Associate Professor : Regular employee - Nontenured - Tenure-track - Probationary period absent

Lecturer level : Regular employee - Nontenured - Tenure-track - Probationary period absent

Assistant Professor level : Regular employee - Nontenured - Tenure-track - Probationary period absent


  • 募集の背景、プロジェクトの説明

    Tokyo International University:
    Tokyo International University (TIU) offers undergraduate and graduate programs both in Japanese and English. The English track degree program, called E-Track and taught entirely in English, attracts students from Japan as well as from around the world. The curriculum of the E-Track Program enables students to cultivate a broad educational background and deepen their knowledge in specialized fields of Digital Business & Innovation, Business Economics, and International Relations.

  • 仕事内容・職務内容

    Content of work including Teaching:
    The teaching could involve both undergraduate and graduate levels. TIU operates on a semester basis and each course lesson is held twice per week over the duration of 14 weeks per semester (each lesson lasts for 100 minutes); the successful candidate will be in charge of three courses per semester. All the classes will take place in TIU’s new campus in Ikebukuro, Tokyo. The exception is the basic courses offered for the first-year first-semester students, which are offered in TIU’s Kawagoe Campus in Saitama. The academic year is from April to March (of following year). Spring semester is from April to July, and Fall semester is from September to January.
    Fluency in English is required, and knowledge of Japanese would be an asset. Responsibilities include advising and working with students from diverse backgrounds as well as undertaking quality research.

  • 配属部署

    Existing departments

    Institute for International Strategy


  • Professor level
  • Associate Professor
  • Lecturer level
  • Assistant Professor level


  • Humanities & Social Sciences - Business administration
  • Humanities & Social Sciences - Commerce
  • Informatics - Intelligent informatics


  • Common to all Job Types

    Annual Salary : 5 million yen ~ 12 million yen

    A competitive salary is offered. Remuneration package includes health insurance, pension, commuting allowance, annual research fund and individual research office.


  • Common to all Job Types

    Working hours :09:00-18:00

    Holidays : <Holidays>
    Holidays for full-time faculty members shall be as indicated on the University's academic-year calendar.

    Overtime and other explanations : <Working hours>
    A full-time faculty member's on-duty hours for teaching classes shall be in accordance with the schedule of the classes that the faculty member teaches.

    <Rest Periods>
    The rest period of a full-time faculty member whose work duties are for 8 hours per day shall be 1 hour per day, including lunch time.



  • 応募に必要な学歴・学位

    Ph.D. / Doctor

  • 業務における経験

    The positions:
    Qualified candidates are sought for a position, with concentration areas as follows:

    Digital Business including Digital Marketing, Fintech, Business Analytics, AI and Machine Learning

  • 説明

    Requirements: The position is open for Assistant, Associate, or Full Professor level, depending on qualifications. The candidate must have a PhD in Marketing/Finance/Computer Science/Information Technology/Mathematics/Statistics/Business Management or related areas and be able to teach any course related to the concentration areas stated above and basic undergraduate digital business courses. Candidates must have some proven research record and/or practical experience.
    Starting date: September 1, 2024 (or possibly April 1, 2025)
    Candidates with a proven track record will have to provide evidence of recent and expected publications. Recent PhD graduates and ones expecting to graduate before September 2024 are encouraged to apply. Successful candidate will be offered either a tenured or tenure-track position depending on qualifications. The tenure-track system refers to a system under which a newly hired full-time faculty member transitions to tenure status after successfully completing a track period and the tenure screening process within a maximum of five years.


  • Common to all Job Types

    Regular employee



  • Common to all Job Types

    Nontenured - Tenure-track

    <Contract period>
    A tenured or tenure-track position.
    Tenure qualification screening will be carried out twice in five years.

    Probationary period absent


  • 〒170-0013 Tokyo Toshima Higashi-Ikebukuro 4-42-31
  • 〒350-1197 Saitama Kawagoe Matoba-Kita 1-13-1


  • 各種制度

    Pay increase system : available

    Bonus : available

    Retirement allowances : available

    Transportation expenses : available

    Retirement age : 70

  • 加入保険

    Employees' Health Insurance : available

    Employees' Pension Insurance : available

    Worker's accident insurance : available

    Employment insurance : available



    1 person(s)

    Hiring date : 2024/09/01

    Starting date : 2024/09/01

  • 求人内容補足説明

    The positions:
    Qualified candidates are sought for a position, with concentration areas as follows:

    Digital Business including Digital Marketing, Fintech, Business Analytics, AI and Machine Learning
    Requirements: The position is open for Assistant, Associate, or Full Professor level, depending on qualifications. The candidate must have a PhD in Marketing/Finance/Computer Science/Information Technology/Mathematics/Statistics/Business Management or related areas and be able to teach any course related to the concentration areas stated above and basic undergraduate digital business courses. Candidates must have some proven research record and/or practical experience.
    Starting date: September 1, 2024 (or possibly April 1, 2025)
    Candidates with a proven track record will have to provide evidence of recent and expected publications. Recent PhD graduates and ones expecting to graduate before September 2024 are encouraged to apply. Successful candidate will be offered either a tenured or tenure-track position depending on qualifications. The tenure-track system refers to a system under which a newly hired full-time faculty member transitions to tenure status after successfully completing a track period and the tenure screening process within a maximum of five years.

    Content of work including Teaching:
    The teaching could involve both undergraduate and graduate levels. TIU operates on a semester basis and each course lesson is held twice per week over the duration of 14 weeks per semester (each lesson lasts for 100 minutes); the successful candidate will be in charge of three courses per semester. All the classes will take place in TIU’s new campus in Ikebukuro, Tokyo. The exception is the basic courses offered for the first-year first-semester students, which are offered in TIU’s Kawagoe Campus in Saitama. The academic year is from April to March (of following year). Spring semester is from April to July, and Fall semester is from September to January.
    Fluency in English is required, and knowledge of Japanese would be an asset. Responsibilities include advising and working with students from diverse backgrounds as well as undertaking quality research.


  • 2024/04/10~2024/05/31 Deadline for receipt


  • ※募集期間外です。

JREC-IN Portal Web応募
Not available
Not available



  • 選考内容

    Application Package:
    The evaluation of applicants will start in the middle of May 2024, and applications will be accepted until the position is filled. Candidates should submit the following documents by Google Form.

    1)Cover letter of application
    2)Curriculum vitae (please also include your complete contact details and contact information of three references - references will not be contacted without first notifying the applicant.)
    3)List of classes taught (including title of class, brief description of contents, level)
    4)Course syllabi of related fields that have been taught at any higher educational institution
    5)Full text of three research achievements (i.e. Journal, publication, etc.)
    6)Copy of diploma or transcript showing proof of Ph.D. or enrollment in a Ph.D. program
    Please register your information and all materials on the Google form.

  • 結果通知方法

    Selection process:
    Review of applications will be taken first, and only applicants deemed suitable will be contacted and invited for the interview (in person or via Zoom). Those applicants who are invited to the interview might be requested to submit the Letter of Recommendation by relevant institutions.

    Contact details:
    Human Resources Department, Tokyo International University Foundation
    4-23-23, Takadanobaba, Shinjuku, Tokyo 169-0075
    Email: saiyou@tiu.ac.jp


Tokyo International University

Human Resources Department

Human Resources Department




All information collected will be used solely for its intended purpose of evaluating applicants. Information will not be used for any other purpose.
