
更新日 : 2024/06/05 募集終了日 : 2024/06/30
更新日 : 2024/06/05
募集終了日 : 2024/06/30

勤務地 : Hokkaido district - Hokkaido

公開開始日 : 2024/05/21

Hokkaido University Integrated Science Program Recruitment of Assistant Professor (Mathematics)


National university

Hokkaido University

研究分野 : Natural Science - Algebra | Natural Science - Basic analysis | Natural Science - Mathematical physics and fundamental theory of condensed matter physics

Assistant Professor level : Regular employee - Nontenured - Non-tenure track - Probationary period present


  • 募集の背景、プロジェクトの説明

    The Institute for Advancement of Higher Education at Hokkaido University invites applications for a 5-year fixed term faculty position in the area of Mathematics.

  • 仕事内容・職務内容

    (Immediately after employment)
    (1)Conducting world-leading research in the area of expertise. The appointee will be eligible to apply for national research grants.
    (2)Teaching approximately 6 unit-hours per week per semester in undergraduate courses. Offering General Education Courses and specialized subjects related to ISP and Department of Mathematics in English.
    (3)Contribute to the evaluation of prospective ISP students.
    (4)Other duties may include assisting with promotional activities and recruiting international students by overseas visits.

    (Scope of changes)
    Duties as determined by the University

  • 配属部署

    Existing departments

    Institute for Advancement of Higher Education


  • Assistant Professor level


  • Natural Science - Algebra
  • Natural Science - Basic analysis
  • Natural Science - Mathematical physics and fundamental theory of condensed matter physics


  • Annual Salary : 5 million yen ~

    The basic salary will be determined in accordance with the regulations of Hokkaido University, with consideration for qualifications, work experience, and achievement.


  • Working hours :08:30-17:00

    Break time :12:15-13:00

    Holidays : Saturdays, Sundays, national holidays provided for in the National Holidays Act, period between December 29th and January 3rd of the following year and other days determined by the University.

    Overtime and other explanations : Discretionary labor system for professional work based on consent (*) or Fixed working hours system will be applied.
    ( * The working hours for a day are deemed as 7 hours and 45 minutes)



  • 応募に必要な学歴・学位

    Ph.D. / Doctor

    Possess a PhD in a related discipline from an accredited university at the time of appointment.

  • 業務における経験

    ・Native or near-native English language ability (Japanese-proficiency not required).
    ・Proven track record of research excellence as evident through peer-reviewed academic journals, presentation at conferences, and the potential to be an effective mentor to research students.
    ・Previous experience in teaching at the college/university level is highly desirable.


  • Regular employee


  • Nontenured - Non-tenure track

    Assistant Professor (5-year appointment).
    Upon the completion of the initial 5-year period, the appointee will be subjected to a performance evaluation and a positive assessment may lead to reappointment for additional 5 years.

    Probationary period present

    3 months


  • 〒060-0817 Hokkaido Kita 17, Nishi 8, Kita-ku, Sapporo, Japan 060-0817

    (Immediately after employment)
    Institute for Advancement of Higher Education.
    *Office will be located in Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science.

    (Scope of changes)
    Location as determined by the University


  • 各種制度

    Pay increase system : available

    Bonus : available

    Retirement allowances : available

    Transportation expenses : available

    Retirement age : available

  • 加入保険

    Employees' Health Insurance : available(Mutual Association of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology )

    Employees' Pension Insurance : available

    Worker's accident insurance : available

    Employment insurance : available

  • 就業場所における受動喫煙防止のための取組事項

    Smoking is prohibited on the premises except for specific outdoor smoking areas



    1 person(s)

    Hiring date : 2024/10/01

    Starting date : 2024/10/01

  • 求人内容補足説明

    [Name of recruiting institution]
    Hokkaido University


  • 2024/05/21~2024/06/30 Deadline for receipt

    Combine all pages and information into one PDF file (A4 size) and send the file by e-mail no later than:
    June 30, 2024 (23:59 JST)


  • 応募書類

    Application Form : Online Submission
    (1)Curriculum vitae (with photo): Date of birth, nationality, address, phone, email, education, degree, current and past positions, qualifications, etc.
    Achievements and Activities : Online Submission
    (2)A list of publication (refereed and non-refereed papers should be listed separately; papers in press should be noted so, and accept letters should be attached.)

    Other online application forms
    (3)Summary of past research accomplishments and future research plans (1000 words)
    (4)Summary of teaching experience and future aspirations (1000 words)
    (5)Names and contact information of three professional references
    (6)Reprints of the most significant publications (maximum of five)

    Other Mailing Documents
    Application documents should be submitted electronically to the Director of the Institute for Advancement of Higher Education:
    E-mail: jinji@academic.hokudai.ac.jp
    The title of the email from the applicant should read:
    “Application for ISP Assistant Professor (name of applicant)”.

  • 応募書類の返却

    We will dispose of all application documents responsibly.

  • 応募書類の提出方法(郵送書類)

    〒060-0817 Hokkaido Kita 17, Nishi 8, Kita-ku, Sapporo Hokkaido
    Academic Affairs Planning Division Academic Affairs Department

  • ※募集期間外です。

JREC-IN Portal Web応募
Not available
Not available



  • 選考内容

    After the initial screening of complete applications, interviews will be scheduled for prioritized candidates. All documents will be referred to in the selection process only. We never disclose, transfer, and lend the documents will never be done without legitimate reasons.

  • 結果通知方法

    For queries regarding personnel matters:
    Academic Affairs Planning Division
    Academic Affairs Department
    Hokkaido University
    Kita 17, Nishi 8, Kita-ku, Sapporo Hokkaido 060-0817 Japan
    E-mail: jinji@academic.hokudai.ac.jp
    URL: https://www.high.hokudai.ac.jp/

    For queries regarding research and teaching:
    Prof. Akira Sakai
    Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science
    Hokkaido University
    Kita 10, Nishi 8, Kita-ku, Sapporo Hokkaido 060-0810 Japan
    E-mail: shunin@math.sci.hokudai.ac.jp


Hokkaido University

Academic Affairs Planning Division Academic Affairs Department





Hokkaido University: https://www.global.hokudai.ac.jp/
Integrated Science Program: https://www.oia.hokudai.ac.jp/isp/
Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science: https://www2.sci.hokudai.ac.jp/dept/math/en
