
更新日 : 2024/06/11 募集終了日 : 2024/08/02
更新日 : 2024/06/11
募集終了日 : 2024/08/02

勤務地 : Kanto district - Chiba

公開開始日 : 2024/05/29

Recruitment for Assistant Professor (Division of Landscape and Economics/Department of Food and Resource Economics)


National university

研究分野 : Humanities & Social Sciences - Agricultural and food economics | Environmental science - Rural sociology and agricultural structure | Environmental science - Landscape science

Assistant Professor level : Regular employee - Nontenured - Tenure-track - Probationary period present


  • 募集の背景、プロジェクトの説明

    《Education and research areas, academic units, and faculty composition relevant to the recruitment》
    Division of Landscape and Economics uses social science methodologies to study the effective use of land-based resources for comfortable and sustainable urban and rural communities in the context of the ever-changing global environment and values.
    The appointed assistant professor will oversee Food and Resource Economics Program within the realm of education and research.
    The undergraduate curriculum trains students to: have an accurate understanding of food production, distribution, and consumption systems; and be able to formulate and evaluate policies and projects related to the environment, agriculture, and local communities.
    The graduate curriculum fosters highly skilled technicians and researchers who gain the ability to contribute to internationally competitive horticultural management, the design of safe food systems, and the diverse development of the food industry at home and abroad.

  • 仕事内容・職務内容

    Please also refer to the “URL of this job posting” for the application guidelines.

    《Human resources sought》
    In the recruitment, the Assistant Professor is expected to have the following abilities:
    ・With a foundation in economics, to conduct research both within and outside Japan based on scientific fieldwork in the field of agriculture and food distribution while taking into account perspectives such as the SDGs and community revitalization. Additionally, to be able to conduct related educational and research activities.
    ・To work on new interdisciplinary issues in collaboration with faculty in landscape studies.
    ・To actively provide practical advice and academic educational support based on their extensive international experience, such as being active in international conferences, conducting fieldwork abroad, and participating in volunteer activities.
     The main classes will be in Japanese, but some courses will be in English. Moreover, the successful candidate will be expected to be actively involved in other university administrative activities. Female and non-Japanese applicants are welcome to apply.

    《Main Courses to be Taught》
    ・Graduate School of Horticulture (Course of Horticultural Science, Food and Resource Economics Program) 
    [ Master’s Program ]
    Graduate Research I, Graduate Seminar I, and other omnibus subjects
    ・Faculty of Horticulture (Department of Food and Resource Economics) 
    Seminar for Graduation Thesis, Seminar for Graduation Study 1, Seminar for Graduation Study 2, Community Development Utilizing Food and Agriculture, Seminar of food system(Omnibus), and other omnibus subjects
    ・General Education (Omnibus)

  • 配属部署

    Existing departments

    Graduate School of Horticulture


  • Assistant Professor level


  • Humanities & Social Sciences - Agricultural and food economics
  • Environmental science - Rural sociology and agricultural structure
  • Environmental science - Landscape science


  • Annual Salary : 4 million yen ~ 7 million yen

    Remuneration will be an annual salary determined in accordance with the university’s remuneration regulations.


  • Working hours :08:30-17:15

    Break time :12:00-13:00

    Holidays : Weekly holidays shall consist of Sundays and Saturdays.
    Holidays shall be as listed in the following items:
    (i) Holidays as prescribed in the Act on National Holidays (in Japan).
    (ii) Days between December 29 and January 3 of the following calendar year (excluding holidays as
    specified in the preceding item).
    Special leave may also be available in accordance with employment regulations.

    Overtime and other explanations : A discretionary labor system for professional work may be applied to a staff member with concent.
    (Deemed to have worked 7 hours and 45 minutes in a day.)



  • 応募に必要な学歴・学位

    Ph.D. / Doctor

    Applicants are required to have or to obtain doctoral degrees by the time of appointment.


  • Regular employee


  • Nontenured - Tenure-track

    Term of 5 years under the tenure-track system: The teaching-staff position will have a term, and the salary will be based on the Regulations Relating to the Chiba University Tenure-Track System. A mid-term review will be held in the 3rd year of employment, and a final review relating to a grant of tenure in the 5th year. Employees who pass the assessment may move to employment as tenured staff.

    Probationary period present

    A probationary period of six 6 months shall be set as a probationary period for a person hired as a staff member.


  • 〒271-8510 Chiba 648 Matsudo, Matsudo-shi, Chiba, Japan




    1 person(s)

    Starting date : 2024/10/01


  • 2024/05/29~2024/08/02 Deadline for receipt


  • 応募書類

    Other online application forms
    《Documents to be Submitted for Application》
    (1)Curriculum Vitae
    (2)Reprints of published papers/books (Maximum of 5 major publications per applicant)
    (3)Overview of applicant’s experience and achievements in research and education to date and aspirations for the future (approximately 2,000 words)
    (4)The names and contact information of two references who know the applicant well.
    Please download official formats for Curriculum Vitae, List of Published Papers and Other Research Achievements, and Record of Experience/Achievements in Education documents from the official Chiba University website(URL of this job posting).

    Please access our website (URL of this job posting), download Job Details(from "Other Requirements: Click here"), and check "Guidelines for Preparing Application Documents".

    《Note on the application process》
    Please submit your application by (i) Email or (ii) through JREC-IN Portal.
    (i) Email
    Please convert all application materials to PDF files, compress them into a single zipped file, attach the file, and send it by email to the following address with “ランドスケープ・経済学講座(助教)応募” in the subject line. If the file size exceeds 20 MB, please separate the files and send them in several emails. And send your documents to our administration office.
    Send to: General Affairs Unit, Graduate School of Horticulture
    Email: zaf8703@office.chiba-u.jp
    (ii) through JREC-IN Portal.
    Please convert all application materials to PDF files, compress them into a single zip file, and submit them through the JREC-IN Portal .

  • 応募書類の返却

    We will dispose of all application documents responsibly.

JREC-IN Portal Web応募
Not available


  • 選考内容

    You may be asked to come to the university to be interviewed or conduct a seminar.

  • 結果通知方法

    We will contact you as soon as the results are decided.


Chiba University

Graduate School of Horticulture

Shinichi Kurihara




[Contact for inquiries regarding submission method]
Send to: General Affairs Unit, Graduate School of Horticulture
Email: zaf8703@office.chiba-u.jp
