
更新日 : 2024/06/18 募集終了日 : 2024/08/09
更新日 : 2024/06/18
募集終了日 : 2024/08/09

勤務地 : Kanto district - Kanagawa

公開開始日 : 2024/06/18

Job Opportunities Faculty Member(Data Engineering Technologies in Data Science / Professor or Associate Professor)


Public university

研究分野 : Informatics - Software | Informatics - Computational science | Informatics - Database

Professor level : Regular employee - Tenured - Non-tenure track - Probationary period absent

Associate Professor : Regular employee - Tenured - Non-tenure track - Probationary period absent


  • 募集の背景、プロジェクトの説明

    Yokohama City University established the Faculty of Data Science in the 2018 academic year to provide education to cultivate the ability to implement the value obtained from data science in society and the specialized knowledge that forms the basis of such ability with regard to various social issues. In 2020, the Graduate School of Data Science was established to nurture advanced data scientists who will lead digital transformation.
    This call is open to anyone who are responsible for the research areas and subjects listed below, who are proficient in the latest technologies in the field of data science, such as Python programming techniques, big data analysis, and unstructured data processing techniques, who have overcome various social issues by utilizing data, or who are highly motivated to solve social issues.

  • 仕事内容・職務内容

    Field of Expertise: Data Engineering Technologies in Data Science

    1)Programming Exercise I and II (in Japanese) (4 credits)
    2)Big Data Analysis (in Japanese) (2 credits)
    3)Unstructured Data (in Japanese) (2 credits)
    4)Seminar in Data Science, Exercise in Data Science (4 credits)
    5)Exercise for bachelor’s degree & Graduation Thesis (8 units)
    6)Others: possibility of teaching courses at the Liberal Arts Core Curriculum.

    1)Advanced Unstructured Data (in Japanese) (2 credits)
    2)Exercise in Practical Data Science (6 credits)
    3)Exercise for master’s degree & Thesis (8 units)
    4)Others: the possibility of teaching courses in the Ph.D. Program

  • 配属部署

    Existing departments

    Yokohama City University, School of Data Science / Graduate School of Data Science


  • Professor level
  • Associate Professor


  • Informatics - Software
  • Informatics - Computational science
  • Informatics - Database


  • Common to all Job Types

    Annual Salary : 6 million yen ~


  • Common to all Job Types

    Working hours :08:30-17:15

    Overtime and other explanations : Discretionary work hours will be applied.
    The daily working hours shall be 7 hours and 45 minutes.



  • 応募に必要な学歴・学位

    Ph.D. / Doctor

  • 説明

    1)Candidates must have a Ph.D. on information science or related research field.
    2)Candidates must have academic knowledge in the field of information science and a track record of teaching and research in the field.
    3)Candidates must have a track record of research achievements and competitive research funding in the information science or data science related fields.
    4)Candidates must have sufficient expertise and experience in data science education and research to be able to teach up to the Master course (or the Doctoral course if the candidate is able to teach the Doctoral course).
    5)Candidates must have a strong desire to contribute to society by solving social issues, including collaboration with local government and industry.
    6)Candidates must be committed to the management of the School of Data Science and the Graduate School of Data Science. In particular, contribution to the work of preparing entrance examination questions in Japanese is required as a must.


  • Common to all Job Types

    Regular employee

    Discretionary work hours


  • Common to all Job Types

    Tenured - Non-tenure track

    Term of position is not limited. Retirement age is 65.
    Salary is commensurate with qualifications, based on YCU pay scales.

    Probationary period absent


  • 〒236-0027 Kanagawa 22-2 Seto, Kanazawa-ku, Yokohama

    Yokohama City University, Kanazawa-Hakkei Campus


  • 各種制度

    Pay increase system : available

    Bonus : available *Bonuses are included in annual salary.

    Retirement allowances : available

    Transportation expenses : available

    Retirement age : available

  • 加入保険

    Employees' Health Insurance : available

    Employees' Pension Insurance : available

    Worker's accident insurance : available

    Employment insurance : available

  • 待遇ー補足説明

    Annual salary based on position, performance, and duties
    *Salary level for the first year will be calculated based on work experience and career history.
    *Retirement allowance will be paid separately at the time of corporate retirement.



    1 person(s)

    Hiring date : 2025/04/01

    Starting date : 2025/04/01


  • 2024/06/18~2024/08/09 Deadline for receipt

    1) Please fill in the required fields in Forms and submit your entry.
    ** Entry deadline: July 31, 2024, 12:00 p.m. (Japan time)
    2) We will contact you shortly with the address for uploading your application materials.
    ** Upload Deadline: August 9, 2024 (Japan time)


  • 応募書類(指定様式)

  • 応募書類

    Application Form : Online Submission
    Achievements and Activities : Online Submission

    Other online application forms
    Please download the prescribed form below.
    1) Resume/ Curriculum Vitae with photograph
    2) Complete listing of academic publications
    **The impact factor of the journal for each paper should be provided in the list.
    3) Writing samples of up to 3 academic publications, preferably related to the subject areas described above.
    ** For research papers, only those with submission of a certificate certifying the publication issued by a publisher will be accepted as achievement. We do not accept research papers without submission of a publishing certificate. We also do not accept certificates of receipt or certificates stating that papers are under review.
    4) Personal statement regarding education and potential contribution to programs at YCU.
    5) Information on 2 references (Affiliation, name, telephone number and e-mail address should be mentioned.)
    6) Certificate of (an) academic degree(s)

  • 応募書類の返却

    We will dispose of all application documents responsibly.

JREC-IN Portal Web応募
Not available
Not available
Application documents are to be submitted by uploading data.
1) Please fill in the required fields in Forms and submit your entry.
** Entry deadline: July 31, 2024, 12:00 p.m. (Japan time)
2) We will contact you shortly with the address for uploading your application materials.
** Upload Deadline: August 9, 2024 (Japan time)
3) Once uploaded, please send an email to the address below with the subject line "Call for Faculty Positions (Artificial Intelligence Technology in Data Science)" for confirmation.
E-mail: cy_jinji@yokohama-cu.ac.jp
** Submitted documents will not be returned. We will responsibly discard the materials after the selection process is completed.


  • 選考内容

    1) Screening of applications.
    2) Interviews of selected candidates (around late September)
    A short mock lesson may be required.
    Cost of travel for interview is the candidate's responsibility.

  • 結果通知方法

    Applicants who pass the first round of selection will be notified of the schedule for the second round of selection.
    All selection results will be notified to the applicants as soon as the final selection is completed.


Yokohama City University

School of Data Science

Prof. Takahiro Tsuchiya




The successful applicant will be required to sign an employment contract in accordance with the regulations.
Applicants will be responsible for all travel and accommodation expenses required for the second round of selection.
