
New 募集中
更新日 : 2024/07/10 募集終了日 : 2024/08/06
New 募集中
更新日 : 2024/07/10
募集終了日 : 2024/08/06

勤務地 : Kanto district - Tokyo | Others - Others

公開開始日 : 2024/07/10

NAOJ fellow(Project Assistant Professor based on annual salary system)/国立天文台フェロー(年俸制職員 特任助教)


National research institute / Independent administrative institute

National Astronomical Observatory of Japan

研究分野 : Natural Science - Astronomy | Others - Others - Any field of related researches being conducted at NAOJ

Assistant Professor level : Others - Nontenured - Non-tenure track - Probationary period present


  • 募集の背景、プロジェクトの説明

    National Astronomical Observatory of Japan (NAOJ) invites applications for the positions of NAOJ fellow, in order to encourage highly qualified young researchers to participate in research activities at NAOJ. Please refer to the following URL.

    Formal employment status of NAOJ fellow at the National Institutes of Natural Sciences (NINS, [//www.nins.jp/en/ ]* *put "http:" before "//") consisting of five institutions including NAOJ, is project assistant professor, which is a full-time position (discretionary work type. Deemed working hours are 38h45min working hours/week) and based on annual salary system. Every year NAOJ selects several fellows (please see the follwing URL.)

  • 仕事内容・職務内容

    The applicant must designate a host researcher among NAOJ research and academic staff, and should consult with the host researcher about the application and research plans. Please refer to the following list of NAOJ research and academic staff if needed. [//www2.nao.ac.jp/~open-info/reslist/index.html]* (If you need further information, please contact Dr. Masahiro Ikoma <masahiro.ikoma_AT_nao.ac.jp> (Replace_AT_with @-sign.) Subject of e-mail: “Question on NAOJ Fellow”). The name of your host researcher must be indicated in a cover letter.
    *put "https:" before "//"

    The research field of the applicants can be any field of astronomy or related researches being conducted at NAOJ. The affiliation of the fellow to a specific NAOJ project is only meant for administrative handling. NAOJ fellow is expected to concentrate on research without any observatory/project duties, such as telescope operation, teaching responsibility, commitment to committees, and so on. This condition will not change during his/her contract.

  • 配属部署

    Existing departments

    Refer to the Announcemnt of NAOJ Fellow 2025


  • Assistant Professor level


  • Natural Science - Astronomy
  • Others - Others

    Any field of related researches being conducted at NAOJ


  • Annual Salary : 6 million yen ~ 7 million yen

    The fellow will receive a monthly salary of 550,000 JPY plus compensation for commuting expenses (up to 55,000 JPY per month), and annual research funds of 1,000,000 JPY.


  • Working hours :08:30-17:15

    Break time :12:00-13:00

    Holidays : Saturdays and Sundays, National Holidays, New Year holidays (December 29th - January 3rd), Annual paid leave (20 days: to be prorated for the first year), Refreshment leave (3 days)



  • 応募に必要な学歴・学位

    Ph.D. / Doctor

    The applicant must have a PhD degree in astronomy or related fields by the starting date.


  • Others

    a full-time position (discretionary work type. Deemed working hours are 38h45min working hours/week) and based on annual salary system.


  • Nontenured - Non-tenure track

    The appointment term shall start on April 1, 2025 or later, but the successful candidate is expected to begin his/her appointment no later than September 30, 2025.
    Please note, however, that certain successful candidates may be eligible for an adjusted hire date. If an individual has received an offer for a fixed-term research position from a foreign organization, and if it is the first time for the successful candidate to conduct research outside of Japan, the start date of the NAOJ fellow appointment may be delayed until that contract expires. For details, see
    (Japanese) [//www.nao.ac.jp/about-naoj/employment/jobs-fellow.html]*
    (English) [//www.nao.ac.jp/en/about-naoj/employment/jobs-fellow.html]* *put "https" before "//"

    Probationary period present

    The term is for five years, including the probation period of six months. Annual review will be conducted. If the successful candidate had been employed by the National Institutes of Natural Sciences (NINS, which is an executive institute that manages NAOJ) within six months retroactively from the start date, the term will be set so that the total employment period does not exceed ten years.


  • 〒181-8588 Tokyo 2-21-1 Osawa, Mitaka
  • Others

    The fellow will become a member of the project in NAOJ which their host researcher belongs to, and work at one of the NAOJ campuses at Mitaka (Osawa, Mitaka, Tokyo, Japan), Mizusawa (Mizusawa-Hoshigaoka, Oshu, Iwate, Japan), Nobeyama (Nobeyama, Minamimakimura, Minamisaku, Nagano, Japan), Kamioka (Kamioka, Hida, Gifu, Japan), Okayama (Kamogata, Asaguchi, Okayama, Japan), Ishigaki (Ishigaki, Okinawa, Japan), Hawaii (Hilo, Hawaii, the U.S.), and Chile (Santiago, Chile). The working place may be subject to change during his/her contract.


  • 各種制度

    Bonus : not provided.

    Retirement allowances : not provided

    Others : ・The travel and relocation costs to NAOJ will be covered, subject to the travel regulations of NINS (the details have to be arranged with the administration office).

    ・If the fellow is a resident outside the State of Hawaii and is taking up the fellow position at the NAOJ Subaru Telescope (Hilo, Hawaii), or if the fellow is a resident outside the Chile Republic and is taking up the fellow position at the NAOJ Chile (Santiago, Chile), allowance will be paid.

    ・NAOJ fellow is eligible to apply for the Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (KAKENHI).

    ・For the fellow position at NAOJ Subaru Telescope (Hilo, Hawaii), successful applicants will be hired through RCUH (Research Corporation of the University of Hawaii). Note that the salary and the monthly allowance will be paid in USD with a fixed exchange rate. Social insurance specified above shall not be applied.

    ・Abiding by the Equal Employment Opportunity Act for Men and Women, NAOJ is committed to the realization of a society with gender equality. If two candidates are deemed equal in their performance evaluation, NAOJ will take positive action to employ women. If you have taken a leave(s) such as for maternity, childcare, and/or family care, please indicate it in your curriculum vitae. We will consider it when assessing your performance.
    For details, see [//www2.nao.ac.jp/~open-info/gender-equality/en/ ]
    (put "https:" before //)

  • 加入保険

    Employees' Health Insurance : available/MEXT Mutual Aid Association

    Employees' Pension Insurance : available

    Worker's accident insurance : available

    Employment insurance : available

  • 就業場所における受動喫煙防止のための取組事項

    Smoking is prohibited on the premises excluding designated outdoor smoking areas.



    2 person(s)


  • 2024/07/10~2024/08/06 Deadline for receipt

    by 12:00 noon (JST) (3:00 UTC)


  • 応募書類

    Other online application forms
    Required Application Materials: (To be prepared in English. Any other language will not be accepted) must include

    (1) a cover letter (indicate the name of the NAOJ host researcher stated in [Job Content #2] and your references stated below (7)),

    (2) a curriculum vitae (If you have taken a leave(s) such as for maternity, childcare, and/or family care, please indicate it in your curriculum vitae. We will consider it when assessing your performance),

    (3) ) a summary of past research activities (no more than 1200 words, excluding figures and references)

    (4) a numbered list of publications. List the following categories of papers separately:
    (i) Refereed papers of which you are the corresponding author,
    (ii) other refereed papers,
    (iii) non-refereed papers. For co-authored papers, list the names of all the authors.
    The applicant is encouraged to provide a URL to the Astrophysics Data System (ADS) library in addition to a written list for the list (i). The lists (ii) and (iii) can be replaced by URLs to publication lists of the ADS library.

    (5) an outline of research plan at NAOJ (no more than 1500 words, excluding figures and references).

    (6) A list of invited talks in international conferences, and

    (7) Two or more reference letters. Note that your host researcher cannot serve as a reference. Please ask your references to upload the letters directly using the URL indicated in [online application] before the deadline.
    Applicants are responsible for ensuring that the letters are submitted before the application deadline.
    The name of the person should be identified in the application cover letter.

  • 応募書類の返却

    We will dispose of all application documents responsibly.

    Information submitted in your application documents will not be used for any purpose other than the selection process and for contacting you with necessary notices in connection with the selection. Once the selection process is complete, we will securely dispose of all application documents and personal information, except for those submitted by the successful candidate.

JREC-IN Portal Web応募
Not available
Not available
Applicants are required to apply via the NAOJ Nextcloud on the web. Please access the application form at the following URL:

After you submit the initial form, you will receive an email showing the URLs for (a) uploading your application documents, and (b) for your reference letters.
Once you get the URL(a) for your application documents, please upload the files corresponding to the documents (1) through (6) stated in 7. These files must be in PDF format (max 50MB each, 100MB in total, at most 10 files).
Please ask your references to upload their letters via the URL(b) you receive for this purpose.
*Regarding an NAOJ host researcher who will accept your proposal, please refer to the NAOJ Research and Academic staff list (https://www2.nao.ac.jp/~openinfo/reslist/index.html) as necessary and consult with him/her in advance.


  • 選考内容

    (1) Selected candidates in the short list must be interviewed by the selection committee via teleconference. The expenses for the interview will not be covered by NAOJ. The interview is planned to be held on October 11, 2024 (JST). Information will be sent by the end of September 2024 to those selected to proceed to interviews.
    (2) Final decision will be presumably made by the Advisory Committee of NAOJ which is scheduled in November, 2024.

  • 結果通知方法



National Astronomical Observatory of Japan

Personnel Unit, National Astronomical Observatory of Japan

Personnel Unit, National Astronomical Observatory of Japan



If you have any question related to the NAOJ Fellow, contact
Dr. Masahiro Ikoma
Director of Research Coordination
National Astronomical Observatory of Japan
Subject of e-mail: “Question on NAOJ Fellow”


Abiding by the Equal Employment Opportunity Act for Men and Women, NAOJ is committed to the realization of a society with gender equality. If two candidates are deemed equal in their performance evaluation, NAOJ will take positive action to employ women. For details, see
[//www2.nao.ac.jp/~open-info/gender-equality/en/]* (*put "https:" before "//")

The name of recruiter is Inter-University Research Institute Corporation, National Institutes of Natural Sciences (NINS), National Astronomical Observatory of Japan (NAOJ).
