Detailed information

Date of update : 2024/08/08 End date of accepting applications : 2024/08/08
Date of update : 2024/08/08
End date of accepting applications : 2024/08/08

Work location : Kanto district - Chiba

Date of publication : 2024/06/27

Associate Professor (Liberal Arts and Sciences Division, Institute of Education, will also work at the English Department, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences)


National university

Tokyo Medical and Dental University

Research field : Humanities & Social Sciences - Foreign language education

Associate Professor : Regular employee - Nontenured - Non-tenure track - Probationary period present

Job description

  • Background of the recruitment and description of the project

    to fill vacancies

  • Work content and job description

       -Teaching English courses in a liberal arts environment
    (Compulsory English course “English I”/ Elective English courses)
       -Teaching “English II” to students in their second year and onwards
       -Administrative tasks related to Liberal Arts courses (Class planning, preparation etc.)
    (2) Admission (entrance exam) related tasks
    (3) Administrative tasks
      -work in various committees
       -including tasks related to the merger with Tokyo Institute of Technology

  • Assigned department

    Existing departments

    Liberal Arts and Sciences Division, Institute of Education, will also work at the English Department, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences

    Precautions : ※The merger with Tokyo Institute of Technology is scheduled for October 2024. Insitutional affiliation may be subject to change at the new university.

Job type

  • Associate Professor

Research field

  • Humanities & Social Sciences - Foreign language education


  • Annual Salary : 7 million yen ~ 9 million yen

    will be determined by salary system in TMDU regulations based on academic and professional background

Working hours

  • Working hours :08:30-17:15

    Break time :12:00-13:00

    Holidays : Saturdays, Sundays, National holidays, 12/29-1/3

    Overtime and other explanations : Discretionary Labor System (Basic schedule: 8:30-17:15, Mon-Fri.)
    Based on the Discretionary Labor System for Professional Work, each work day will be regarded as a 7hour-and-45min work day.

Application requirements


  • Education and Degree Requirements

    Ph.D. / Doctor / Master

    -a doctoral degree or to be awarded a doctoral degree (in any field), or a master’s degree in TESOL/TEFL

  • Work experience

    *research achievements and teaching achievements in specialized field.
    *experience teaching English reading, writing, and speaking-related courses at the university level.

  • Description

    1. be a native speaker of English or have a native-like fluency in English.
    2. capable of, and enthusiastic about, conducting research and teaching at the university level and graduate school level.
    3. understands the importance of a liberal arts education for future health care professionals, and is motivated to work with others to provide it.
    4. capable of handling administrative tasks and entrance examination related tasks.
    5. sufficient command of Japanese to handle basic administrative tasks.

Employment Type

  • Regular employee

Contract period

  • Nontenured - Non-tenure track

    Five-year contract, renewable (until retirement age) based on an evaluation near the end of the relevant term.
    ※Working conditions may be subject to change at the new university.

    Probationary period present

    6 month from the date of appointment

Work location

  • 272-0827 Chiba 2-8-30 Kounodai, Ichikawa


  • Various systems

    Pay increase system : available

    Bonus : available

    Retirement allowances : available

    Transportation expenses : available

    Retirement age : available(65 years old)

  • Insurance

    Employees' Health Insurance : available

    Worker's accident insurance : available

    Employment insurance : available

    Others : available (mutual aid pension)

  • Measures for preventing passive smoking at the workplace

    No smoking on the premises

Application Considerations

Number of hired

    1 person(s)

    Hiring date : 2024/11/01

    Starting date : 2024/11/01

Application period

  • 2024/06/27~2024/08/08 Deadline for receipt

    Applications will be closed as soon as a suitable candidate is hired.

Application method

  • Attached documents

    Application Form : Online Submission
    Achievements and Activities : Online Submission

    Other online application forms
    ・achievements form *TMDU format*
    ・statement on your research and future research plans (approx. 800 words)
    ・statement on your experience in teaching and your teaching philosophy (approx. 800 words)
    ・one letter of recommendation

    How to apply:
    (1) Applications will be accepted online. Prior to application, please email office by August 7 (Wed), 2024:
    In your message, please include
    a)Your full name and affiliation
    b)Your phone number and email address
    ※ Please write “LAS Division English position (your name)” in the subject line.
    (2) The office will send you TMDU formats and a manual for submission.

  • Return of application documents

    We will dispose of all application documents responsibly.

  • * Out of application period.

JREC-IN Portal web application
Not available
E-mail Application
Recruiting Institution's Web application system
Not available

Selection / Notification of result

  • Selection

    First Stage: Examination of application materials
    Second Stage: Interview etc. (short-listed candidates only)online

  • Notification of result

    We will contact you via email within one month after the interview.

Contact details

Tokyo Medical and Dental University

Liberal Arts and Sciences Administrative Office




※The merger with Tokyo Institute of Technology is scheduled for October 2024. Insitutional affiliation and working conditions etc. may be subject to change at the new university.
