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  • JREC-IN Portal is an informative portal site that supports the career development and skills building of researchers, research assistants, technicians and other research-related human resources.
  • This website contains a database of information on applicants searching for research jobs and job postings for research and education positions in industry, academia and the public sector. Both applicants and recruiting institutions can browse and search online for postings or individuals that meet their needs.
  • This website also provides other contents and information about networking or other events organized by education or research institutions for the broad career development of researchers.
  • Registered User and Registered Recruiting Institution can publish, view or apply online to job postings, send job applicant inquiry e-mails, or receive matching e-mails to assist their job offer and job search. (The services and functions available differ based on the user type.)

* This website only provides information to support hiring institutions and those searching for jobs. It does not provide intermediary or placement services.

Eligibility and services provided

The following services can be used by anyone as long as they agree to the "Usage notice".

  • View job postings

    Job postings are provided on this website.
    (Please see "List of job types" for the types of jobs available.)

    * A recruiting institution must be a registered user in order to publish job postings.

  • View contents

    This website provides contents such as helpful articles on human resources utilization.

  • View events and other information

    This website provides information on the career path of research-related human resources, such as events and grants.

The following services can be used by those who have agreed to the "Regulations for Registered Users" and have completed user registration.

  • Registering/Updating job applicant information, Inquiry e-mails

    • If you register job applicant information, you will be able to receive applicant inquiry e-mails from JREC-IN Portal Registered Recruiting Institutions (research institutions, etc.).
    • In principle, your job applicant information can be registered at any time.

    * Information will be uploaded to the JREC-IN Portal site once per day for 30 minutes between 00:00 and 00:30.

  • Matching e-mail

    • Job postings that match your desired conditions can be received by e-mail.

    * Desired conditions must be set in order to use matching email.

  • Tools for Application

    • You can create your own Application Form or Achievements and Activities by entering the prescribed information.
    • Users with a researchmap ID can feed and use registered Application Forms and Achievements and Activities registered in researchmap.

    * researchmap: An online directory of researchers in Japan administered by JST that seeks to achieve mutual communications between researchers.(

  • Web application

    You can apply for job postings through the JREC-IN Portal. You can check the content and status of your application from the user page.

    A web application can be submitted as long as "JREC-IN Portal Web application" is marked as "Accept" in the job posting results after searching for job postings from the User Page. A web application cannot be submitted if this feature is marked as "Not available".

The following services can be used by those who have agreed to the "Regulations for Registered Recruiting Institutions" and have completed user registration.

  • Registering/Updating Job postings

    • In principle, your job postings can be registered at any time.

    * After the Service Support Center has reviewed your job postings, it will be published on the JREC-IN Portal site in about three business days, starting the day after your request.

    * Information will be checked by secretariat and then uploaded to the JREC-IN Portal site once per day for 30 minutes between 00:00 and 00:30.

    * Please see "List of job types" for the types of jobs available.

  • Web application

    Application documents can be received from job applicant through the JREC-IN Portal website.

    These can be used to manage the selection of applicants.

    * The web application setting must be enabled at the time of registering a job posting.

  • View job applicant information

    Job applicant information (anonymous) can be viewed on this website.

  • Inquiry e-mails

    Users who registered applicant information can be contacted through the JREC-IN Portal website.