Detailed information

Date of update : 2024/07/19 End date of accepting applications : 2024/09/13
Date of update : 2024/07/19
End date of accepting applications : 2024/09/13

Work location : Hokuriku and Koshinetsu district - Ishikawa

Date of publication : 2024/07/22

Research Assistant Professor Position Available in Graduate School of Advanced Science and Technology (Computing Science Research Area)


National university

Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology

Research field : Informatics - Intelligent informatics | Informatics - Perceptual information processing | Informatics - Computational science | Informatics - Statistical science | Informatics - Mathematical informatics

Assistant Professor level : Regular employee - Nontenured - Non-tenure track - Probationary period present

Job description

  • Background of the recruitment and description of the project

    Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (JAIST), the first specialized independent national graduate university in Japan, with the goal of contributing actively to the global society, invites applications from outstanding individuals for a faculty position in the Computing Science Research Area, GRADUATE SCHOOL OF ADVANCED SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY. We are seeking a new faculty member who is active in both research and education, and takes sincere interest in guiding students to success.

    [The Mission of JAIST]
    JAIST endeavors to foster leaders capable of contributing to the making of a future world by creation of science and technology, through its most advanced education and research in an ideal academic environment.

    [The Goals of JAIST]
    JAIST develops leaders in society or industry who hold credible expertise in the frontier science and technology, broad perspectives, high level of autonomy and communication ability, through its systematic advanced graduate education.
    JAIST, to contribute to societies with research outcomes, creates a center of excellence for advancement of researches for solving problems of our world and society and develops new fields through a variety of basic researches.
    JAIST fosters active global human resources by promoting faculty and student exchanges with leading institutes overseas and globalizing its education and research.
  • Work content and job description

    The successful candidate for the position is expected to:
    - Conduct active research in the field of Natural Language Processing (Enabling Machines to Understand and Communicate in Human Language) in close cooperation with the relevant faculty member, Associate Professor INOUE Naoya ( ;
    - Instruct and advise students for their laboratory work in both Master’s and Doctoral Programs in close cooperation with the relevant faculty member, Associate Professor INOUE Naoya; and
    - Give introductory lectures of Information Science courses in cooperation with other faculty members.

  • Assigned department

    Existing departments

    Graduate School of Advanced Science and Technology (Computing Science Research Area)

Job type

  • Assistant Professor level

Research field

  • Informatics - Intelligent informatics
  • Informatics - Perceptual information processing
  • Informatics - Computational science
  • Informatics - Statistical science
  • Informatics - Mathematical informatics


  • Annual Salary : 6 million yen ~ 6 million yen

    The annual salary system will be applied.
    Basic Salary
    Assistant Professor:JPY6,000,000
    *Please refer to the following site for details:

Working hours

  • Working hours :08:30-17:15

    Break time :12:30-13:30

    Holidays : Saturdays and Sundays, National Holidays, JAIST Foundation Day, Winter Break (from December 29 to January 3) and Summer Closure Days (You may be requested to work on some holidays for lecture, university information sessions, and so on. Holiday work is compensated with a substitute day off.)

    Overtime and other explanations : Discretionary Labor System for Professional Work: 7 hours 45 minutes per day

Application requirements


  • Education and Degree Requirements

    Ph.D. / Doctor

  • Work experience

    The successful candidate is expected to:
    - Possess a doctoral degree in a related field by the time of appointment;
    - Excel in and be enthusiastic about education and guidance for graduate students in accordance with the Mission and Goals of JAIST;
    - Have a proven record of expertise in conducting research in the field of Natural Language Processing (Enabling Machines to Understand and Communicate in Human Language);
    - Be capable of undertaking domestic and international research initiatives in competitive areas of advanced research and/or in basic research;
    - Promote joint research projects through collaborations with other researchers; and
    - Be capable of giving lectures and supervising students in English (Fluency in Japanese is appreciated but not mandatory). Possess the ability to communicate globally in English and/or Japanese.

Employment Type

  • Regular employee

Contract period

  • Nontenured - Non-tenure track

    From April 1, 2025 to March 31, 2026
    The contract may be renewable. Even in the case of renewal, the total employment period dose not exceed 5 years form April 1, 2025.

    Probationary period present

    6 months from starting date of employment

Work location

  • 923-1292 Ishikawa 1-1 Asahidai, Nomi


  • Various systems

    Retirement allowances : available

    Transportation expenses : available

    Others : Various allowances will also be provided. The allowances consist of the retirement allowance, the dependent allowance, the housing allowance, the commuting allowance, the unaccompanied duty allowance, the overtime allowance and the holiday work allowance (paid in the equivalent scale for national government employees).

  • Insurance

    Employees' Health Insurance : available (the MEXT Mutual Aid Association)

    Employees' Pension Insurance : available (the MEXT Mutual Aid Association)

    Worker's accident insurance : available

    Employment insurance : available

  • Measures for preventing passive smoking at the workplace

    JAIST sets no smoking rule on campus as a measure to prevent passive smoking.

  • Supplementary explanation of compensation

    Assistant professors at JAIST have some advantages.
    - More time available to concentrate on research due to the absence of duties to undergraduate students including taking care of student experiments and Undergraduate Entrance Examination.
    - Easy access to common research equipment that enables them to conduct research smoothly and flexibly.
    We are supporting female faculty members in need of balancing work and child-rearing by providing a research assistant worker up to three years.

Application Considerations

Number of hired

    1 person(s)

    Hiring date : 2025/04/01

    Starting date : 2025/04/01

Application period

  • 2024/07/22~2024/09/13 Deadline for receipt

    September 13, 2024 (by 17:00 Japan standard time)

Application method

  • Application documents (specified forms)

    • [4] List of Achievements in Research.xlsx
    • [7] Self-Declaration Form of Applicability to a Specific Category on Security Export Control.docx
  • Attached documents

    Application Form : Online Submission
    Achievements and Activities : Online Submission

    Other online application forms
    [Application Documents]
    Produce and Submit [4] in Excel File and the others in one electronic file (PDF or Word File)

    [1] Curriculum Vitae with the candidate’s photograph
    [2] Achievements in Education
    [3] Achievements in Research
    [4] List of Achievements in Research (Submit the Attached form.)
    [5] Statement of Other Activities Related to Education and Research
    [6] Statement of Education and Research Plans in the Term of Five Years at JAIST
    [7] Self-Declaration Form of Applicability to a Specific Category on Security Export Control (Submit the Attached form.)
    [8] Contact information for three references
    Submit contact information for three references including names, mailing addresses, phone number and e-mail addresses.

    For more details on this application is available at:

    [Selection Schedule]
    Document screening: mid-October 2024
    Interview: November 19, 2024 or December 10, 2024
    We do not cover travel and accommodation expenses related to the interview.

    [Send the application materials to]
    Attention to: Dean, Professor TANAKA Kiyofumi
    Graduate School of Advanced Science and Technology
    Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology

    Submit the document via e-mail. (Address for submission:
    “Subject” of the e-mail must be “Application document for Research Assistant Professor (Computing Science Research Area)”.
    We will send a confirmation e-mail after receiving the document.

    [For more information, contact]
    In charge of Information Science (Graduate School Secretarial Service Department)
    Tel: +81-761-51-1148

    Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology

  • * Out of application period.

JREC-IN Portal web application
Not available
E-mail Application
Recruiting Institution's Web application system
Not available

Selection / Notification of result

  • Selection

    The selection will be conducted based on results and achievements in the areas of research and education and on your future plans of work at JAIST. We will take into consideration not only the number of papers, but also the contents of publications and research.
    In order to select the final candidate, the selection committee will conduct interviews with the candidates selected in the initial screening. Interviews will be held in either English or Japanese to evaluate the candidates based on the abovementioned qualifications for applicants.
    The evaluation of applications will be strictly unbiased and its result will be kept confidential.

  • Notification of result

    The result will be notified by e-mail, etc.

Contact details

Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology

In charge of Information Science

Graduate School Secretarial Service Department



Foreign and/or female applicants are encouraged to apply for the position at JAIST.
JAIST evaluates applicants on the basis of equal opportunity and diversity in the selection of new faculty members. The applications of female and foreigners are encouraged.
JAIST has supportive measures for balancing work and childcare.
