Detailed information

Date of update : 2024/10/23 End date of accepting applications : 2025/01/06
Date of update : 2024/10/23
End date of accepting applications : 2025/01/06

Work location : Kanto district - Kanagawa

Date of publication : 2024/10/23

Job Posting for Associate Professor (Laboratory for Chemistry and Life Science)


National university

Institute of Science Tokyo

Research field : Nanotechnology/Materials - Chemical biology

Associate Professor : Regular employee - Tenured - Non-tenure track - Probationary period present

Job description

  • Background of the recruitment and description of the project

    Organic chemistry in a broad sense including chemical biology, bio-related chemistry, analytical chemistry, medicinal chemistry, biophysics, etc.

  • Work content and job description

    • Conduct internationally advanced research in own research fields including
    • Conduct research, in collaboration with Prof. Mako Kamiya, innovative research on creation of photo-functional molecules based on chemical biology in the Division of Molecular Advanced Chemistry of Laboratory for Chemistry and Life Science, and supervise graduate and undergraduate students.
    ・Lectures and exercises in undergraduate courses as well as lectures in English
    for the graduate school courses in the School of Materials and Chemical
    Technology, or School of Life Science and Technology.
    ・Other administrative works for CLS, IIR and Graduate School etc.

  • Assigned department

    Existing departments

    Institute of Integrated Research (IIR), Laboratory for Chemistry and Life Science (CLS)

Job type

  • Associate Professor

Research field

  • Nanotechnology/Materials - Chemical biology


  • Annual Salary : 7 million yen ~ 9 million yen

    The successful candidate will be paid under the “Annual Salary System with Lump-Sum Retirement Allowance” pursuant to the Institute’s Regulations on Wage and Salary for Staff under Annual Salary System with Lump-Sum Retirement Allowance. In accordance with the regulations, the amount of annual salary will be determined based on the standard level for the first fiscal year of employment, and will be based on performance evaluations in subsequent years. A retirement allowance will be paid separately at the time of retirement.

    Annual salary examples (The amounts listed below are only examples provided in the regulations and do not directly refer to this specific position.)
    ・Associate Professor who has 5 years of work experience after completing a doctoral degree.
    Standard: JPY 7,500,000
    Minimum*: JPY 7,000,000
    Maximum*: JPY 8,600,000
    *The minimum and maximum amounts will vary depending on performance.

Working hours

  • Working hours :08:45-17:30

    Break time :12:00-13:00

    Overtime and other explanations : De facto working hours* under the discretionary labor system for professional work:
    7 hours 45 minutes per day (38 hours 45 minutes per week)
    *Hours considered as working hours

Application requirements


  • Education and Degree Requirements

    Ph.D. / Doctor

  • Description

    • Applicants must hold a PhD, be near to completion of a PhD, or have equivalent experience in a relevant subject and have appropriate laboratory research experience.
    • Person who has high level achievement in one’s research field, or who can expect to achieve comparable results.
    • Person who is highly motivated to obtain large scale research funds.
    •Ability to supervise undergraduate and graduate students in the above specialized fields as well as the corresponding applications fields. (Willingness to communicate with young people is desirable.)
    • Ability to give lectures and exercises to the undergraduate and graduates students.
    • Willingness to contribute to the administrative tasks and the research activities in the group, area, CLS and IIR

Employment Type

  • Regular employee

Contract period

  • Tenured - Non-tenure track

    Probationary period present

    6 months

Work location

  • 226-8501 Kanagawa 4259 Nagatsuta-cho, Midori-ku, Yokohama Institute of Science Tokyo


Application Considerations

Number of hired

    1 person(s)

Application period

  • 2024/10/23~2025/01/06 Deadline for receipt

Application method

  • Application documents (specified forms)

    • 准教授公募案内(英語) 神谷研2024_final_J.docx
    • applicant_data_summary_Eng.xlsx
  • Return of application documents

    We will dispose of all application documents responsibly.

  • * Out of application period.

JREC-IN Portal web application
E-mail Application
Not available
Recruiting Institution's Web application system
Not available

URL of this job posting

Selection / Notification of result

  • Selection

    Selection will be based on a comprehensive review of applications and interviews.
    Selected applicants may be asked to have an on-campus interview and give a short
    lecture in English and/or Japanese. If the on-campus interview is impossible, the
    on-line can be selected. Please note that travel expenses for attending interviews
    will not be reimbursed.

  • Notification of result

    We will contact you by email after the interview.

Contact details

Institute of Science Tokyo

Laboratory for Chemistry and Life Science, Institute of Integrated Research

Takeo Yamaguchi

