Detailed information

Date of update : 2024/11/27 End date of accepting applications : 2025/01/05
Date of update : 2024/11/27
End date of accepting applications : 2025/01/05

Work location : Kyushu and Okinawa district - Fukuoka

Date of publication : 2024/11/28

Job Announcement for Associate Professor of English (Linguistic Education)


National university

Kyushu University

Research field : Humanities & Social Sciences - Foreign language education

Associate Professor : Regular employee - Tenured - Non-tenure track - Probationary period absent

Job description

  • Background of the recruitment and description of the project

    Job Announcement for Associate Professor of English (Linguistic Education)

  • Work content and job description

    Job Description:
    (1)Research in Linguistic Education.
    (2)Teaching approximately five 90-minute EFL (English as a Foreign Language) classes per week per semester primarily to undergraduate students, i.e., equivalent to 10 classes per year.
    (3)Curriculum development, and teaching materials development.
    (4)Administrative/management duties, including entrance examinations.
    (5)Possible future opportunities to teach undergraduate/graduate content courses.

  • Assigned department

    Existing departments

    Kyushu University, Faculty of Languages and Cultures (FLC), Department of Linguistic Environment, Section of Linguistic Education.

Job type

  • Associate Professor

Research field

  • Humanities & Social Sciences - Foreign language education


  • Annual Salary : 5 million yen ~

    Annual Salary: Commensurate with age and qualifications, based on the guidelines for the Kyushu University Salaries.

Working hours

  • Working hours :08:30-17:30

    Break time :12:00-13:00

    Holidays : Days off: Every Saturday and Sunday, national holidays, and other days as specified.

    Overtime and other explanations : Working hours: Kyushu University allows the employee to engage in his/her work while leaving it to his/her discretion to decide the means and the allotment of time for performing the work and regarding them as having worked for the prescribed number of working hours (7 hours and 45 minutes), irrespective of how much time he/she has actually spent on his/her work. However, this shall be based on the consent of the individual.

Application requirements


  • Education and Degree Requirements

    Ph.D. / Doctor

    Required Qualifications:
    (1)A doctoral degree in English Education or a relevant field.
    (2)Previous experience of teaching English at the university level in Japan.
    (3)Fluency in English and Skills to teach EFL classes in English.
    (4)Skills to teach Academic Writing in English.
    (5)Ability to conduct above duties in Japanese.

Employment Type

  • Regular employee

Contract period

  • Tenured - Non-tenure track

    Probationary period absent

Work location

  • 819-0395 Fukuoka 744 Motooka, Nishi-ku, Fukuoka Kyushu University Ito Campus

    Kyushu University Ito Campus


  • Measures for preventing passive smoking at the workplace

    Measures against passive smoking: No smoking on the premises

  • Supplementary explanation of compensation

    Terms of Employment:
    (1)Annual Salary: Commensurate with age and qualifications, based on the guidelines for the Kyushu University Salaries.
    (2)Working hours: Kyushu University allows the employee to engage in his/her work while leaving it to his/her discretion to decide the means and the allotment of time for performing the work and regarding them as having worked for the prescribed number of working hours (7 hours and 45 minutes), irrespective of how much time he/she has actually spent on his/her work. However, this shall be based on the consent of the individual.
    (3)Days off: Every Saturday and Sunday, national holidays, and other days as specified.
    (4)The employee enrolls in the health insurance, pension insurance, mutual retirement pension program, and employment insurance.
    (5)Measures against passive smoking: No smoking on the premises.
    (6)Questions about employment terms should be directed to Personnel Section:

Application Considerations

Number of hired

    1 person(s)

    Hiring date : 2025/04/01

    Starting date : 2025/04/01

  • Job content supplemental explanation

    Start of Appointment: April 1, 2025 or as soon as possible thereafter

Application period

  • 2024/11/28~2025/01/05 Deadline for receipt

Application method

  • Application documents (specified forms)

    • 公募用履歴書様式(日本語).docx
    • 公募用履歴書様式(英語) .docx
    • 公募用業績目録様式(日本語).docx
    • 公募用業績目録様式(英語).docx
    • 英語准教授公募要項 20241127 最終版.pdf
  • Attached documents

    Other online application forms
    10.Application documents:
    (1)A full curriculum vitae. Each job experience item must contain specific information as to whether the position was full-time or part-time.
    (2)A list of research and teaching achievements. Publications must be labeled as refereed or non-refereed.
    (3)Copies of three major research publications (Mark the corresponding items in the list) along with an abstract of each item (either approx. 200 words in English or 400 characters in Japanese).
    (4)Statement of aspiration for research and teaching (approx. 500 words in English together with a Japanese version of approx. 1000 characters).
    (5)Photocopy of highest degree certificate.
    (6)Two references (names and e-mail addresses)
    *The submitted documents shall be used solely for the purpose of this selection. All documents should be submitted in a single PDF form to JREC-In Web Portal.

  • Return of application documents

    We will dispose of all application documents responsibly.

  • * Out of application period.

JREC-IN Portal web application
E-mail Application
Not available
Recruiting Institution's Web application system
Not available

URL of this job posting

Selection / Notification of result

  • Selection

    Selection Process:
    (1)After the first stage of reviewing the application materials, shortlisted candidates may be invited for an interview (either in person or online).
    (2)You may be asked to give a demo lesson during the interview.
    (3)No travel expenses for the interview will be borne by Kyushu University.
    (4)After the final selection has been made, applicants will be informed of the result via email.

  • Notification of result

    After the final selection has been made, applicants will be informed of the result via email.

Contact details

Kyushu University

Faculty of Languages and Cultures

Toshiya TANAKA



Kyushu University employs faculty members in accordance with the principles of the Basic Act for a Gender-Equal Society (1999), the Basic Act for Persons with Disabilities (1970), the Act for Promotion of Employment of Persons with Disabilities (1960), and the Act on the Elimination of Discrimination against Persons with Disabilities (2013). Kyushu University established the System of Employment of Faculty Members with Accompanying Spouse in July 2017.
If you have received disciplinary action in the past due to incidents including sexual harassment and sexual violence against students, work colleagues or administrative staff, please make sure to include the details and specific reasons for the disciplinary action in your curriculum vitae or similar documents. Providing false information may result in consequences such as revocation of employment or disciplinary action.
