Detailed information

Now recruiting
Date of update : 2025/03/04 End date of accepting applications : 2025/04/25
Now recruiting
Date of update : 2025/03/04
End date of accepting applications : 2025/04/25

Work location : Hokkaido district - Hokkaido | Hokkaido district - Hokkaido | Hokkaido district - Hokkaido

Date of publication : 2025/03/04

Recruitment of Specially Appointed Associate Professor or Specially Appointed Assistant Professor (Material Science Field) in the Co-Creation Core for Next-Generation Soft Materials, Hokkaido University


National university

Hokkaido University

Research field : Nanotechnology/Materials - Polymer materials | Nanotechnology/Materials - Polymer chemistry | Nanotechnology/Materials - Analytical chemistry | Nanotechnology/Materials - Functional solid state chemistry | Energy Engineering - Quantum beam science

Associate Professor : Others - Nontenured - Non-tenure track - Probationary period present

Assistant Professor level : Others - Nontenured - Non-tenure track - Probationary period present

Job description

  • Background of the recruitment and description of the project

    [Background of Recruitment]
    At the Hokkaido University Co-Creation Core for Next-Generation Soft Materials, we conduct both fundamental and applied research on novel soft materials that harness the unique properties of natural polymers extracted and purified from agricultural, forestry, and fishery resources. Our research encompasses seven departments, including Science, Engineering, Medicine, Agriculture, Fisheries, Hokkaido University Hospital, and the Field Science Center for Northern Biosphere. We are currently seeking a specially appointed faculty member to engage in research and development of new soft materials derived from natural polymers extracted and purified from agricultural and fishery resources. This faculty member will primarily be based in the Soft Material Synthesis Division and the Physical Properties and Measurement Division, collaborating with the Medical Application Division, the Primary Industry Application Division, and the Preparatory Organization for Natural Polymer Bank. The research will focus on the development of natural polymer-based soft materials and the analysis of their structural-property correlations, with potential applications in medicine and environmental fields.

    We are seeking candidates who have an interest in polymer materials science, structural analysis, and natural polymers (such as polysaccharides, proteins, DNA, and natural phenolic compounds). Additionally, applicants should possess a strong motivation to extend beyond their field of expertise, actively engage in interdisciplinary research, and foster international collaborative research with overseas partner institutions.

  • Work content and job description

    [Duties and Responsibilities]
    (Immediately after hiring) Conduct research on the extraction and purification of natural polymers, their chemical composition and structural analyses, evaluation of their physical properties, and the development of new soft materials using these polymers.
    (Scope of Change) Duties as determined by the university.

  • Assigned department

    Newly established departments

    [Immediately after hiring] Co-Creation Core for Next-Generation Soft Materials (Administered by the Faculty of Advanced Life Science) [Scope of Change] Location as determined by the University

    Date of new establishment : June 2025

Job type

  • Associate Professor
  • Assistant Professor level

Research field

  • Nanotechnology/Materials - Polymer materials
  • Nanotechnology/Materials - Polymer chemistry
  • Nanotechnology/Materials - Analytical chemistry
  • Nanotechnology/Materials - Functional solid state chemistry
  • Energy Engineering - Quantum beam science


  • Common to all Job Types

    Annual Salary : 5 million yen ~ 9 million yen

    The salary will be determined in accordance with the university's regulations.

Working hours

  • Common to all Job Types

    Working hours :08:30-17:00

    Holidays : Saturdays, Sundays, national holidays provided for in the National Holidays Act, days from December 29th until January 3rd of the following year, other days determined by the University

    Overtime and other explanations : Discretionary labor system for specialized work applies (deemed as working 7 hours and 45 minutes per day).

Application requirements


  • Education and Degree Requirements

    Ph.D. / Doctor

    1. Possess or expect to obtain a doctoral degree by the time of appointment.

  • Work experience

    2. Outstanding research ability and research achievements in research related to polymer material science.
    3. Excellent research ability and achievements in the field of natural polymers.
    4. Exceptional research ability and achievements in evaluating polymer material’s physical properties, structure, and chemical characteristics of polymer materials.

Employment Type

  • Common to all Job Types


    One position: Specially Appointed Associate Professor or Specially Appointed Assistant Professor (Full-time, fixed-term for up to five years, non-renewable).

Contract period

  • Common to all Job Types

    Nontenured - Non-tenure track

    fixed-term for up to five years

    Probationary period present

    The probation period is one month.

Work location

  • 001-0021 Hokkaido North-21 West-11, Kita-ku, Sapporo, Japan.

    (Considering your research field, the work location is decided by the Management Office of Co-Creation Core.)

  • 001-0011 Hokkaido North-11 West-10, Kita-ku, Sapporo, Japan.

    (Considering your research field, the work location is decided by the Management Office of Co-Creation Core.)

  • 060-0809 Hokkaido North-9 West-9, Kita-ku, Sapporo, Japan.

    (Considering your research field, the work location is decided by the Management Office of Co-Creation Core.)


  • Various systems

    Pay increase system : unavailable

    Bonus : unavailable

    Retirement allowances : unavailable

    Transportation expenses : available

    Retirement age : unavailable

  • Insurance

    Employees' Health Insurance : available. Social insurance status: Mutual Association of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology

    Employees' Pension Insurance : available

    Worker's accident insurance : available

    Employment insurance : available

  • Measures for preventing passive smoking at the workplace

    [Measures to Prevent Secondhand Smoke] Smoking is prohibited on campus except in designated outdoor smoking areas.

Application Considerations

Number of hired

    1 person(s)

  • Job content supplemental explanation

    [Desired Start Date] As soon as possible after September 1, 2025 (negotiable).

Application period

  • 2025/03/04~2025/04/25 Deadline for receipt

Application method

  • Attached documents

    Application Form : Online Submission
    (1) CV (any format, including details of awards and penalties, with a photograph).
    *If you have held any position at Hokkaido University (e.g., part-time lecturer, TA, TF, RA, or short-term support staff) since April 1, 2013, include these in your work history.
    Achievements and Activities : Online Submission
    (2) Research achievements
    a) Original articles (peer-reviewed only). Mark corresponding author names with an asterisk (*), include citation counts and impact factors and indicate publications in top 10%.
    b) Reviews and commentary.
    c) Books.
    d) Patents (clearly indicate application/registration and domestic/international distinctions).
    e) Invited conference presentations.
    f) Record of external funding (distinguishing between principal investigator and co-investigator).

    Other online application forms
    (3) Summary of previous research (up to 2 A4 pages).
    (4) Future research aspirations (up to 2 A4 pages).
    (5) Names and contact information of two references.
    (6) PDFs of three key publications.

    [How to apply]
    - Submit the above documents via the designated Google Form.
    - Login to a Google account is required. If you do not have an account, please create one.
    - Combine items (1)–(5) into a single password-protected PDF file. No password is required for item (6).
    - Update your Publons ID (Web of Science Researcher ID) or ORCID ID with the latest information and include it in the form.

  • Return of application documents

    We will dispose of all application documents responsibly.

JREC-IN Portal web application
Not available
E-mail Application
Not available
Recruiting Institution's Web application system

Selection / Notification of result

  • Selection

    [Selection process] Shortlisted candidates will be invited for an interview. Note that travel expenses for the interview are the applicant's responsibility.

  • Notification of result

    Notify via e-mail.

Contact details

Hokkaido University

Faculty of Advanced Life Science, Hokkaido University

Associate Prof. Takayuki NONOYAMA, Director, Co-Creation Core for Next-Generation Soft Materials, Hokkaido University

[Contact Information for Document Submission Inquiries]
Ms. Sakurako NARITA, Research and Education Support Manager


・At Hokkaido University, we actively promote both education and research while fostering diverse human resources and gender-equality. Therefore, we explicitly invite female researchers qualified in this research field to apply.

・As a measure to promote gender equality in accordance with Article 8 of the Act on Securing, Etc. of Equal Opportunity and Treatment between Men and Women in Employment (Equal Employment Opportunity Law), priority will be given to female researchers if the evaluations are equal in the selection process.

・Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion at Hokkaido University is working to promote a research environment in which diverse human resources can play an active role, focusing on human resource development for female researchers and support for balancing research activities and family life. For more information, please visit the Promotion Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion website.
