Detailed information

Date of update : 2024/10/25 End date of accepting applications : 2024/12/27
Date of update : 2024/10/25
End date of accepting applications : 2024/12/27

Work location : Kinki district - Osaka

Date of publication : 2024/09/05

Faculty Position in the D3 Center, Osaka University


National university

Research field : Informatics - High performance computing | Informatics - Computer system | Informatics - Information network

Associate Professor : Regular employee - Nontenured - Non-tenure track - Probationary period present

Job description

  • Background of the recruitment and description of the project

    Advanced High-performance Computing Infrastructure System Research Division, D3 Center, Osaka University invites applications for the position of Specially-Appointed Associate Professor (Full-Time)

  • Work content and job description

    [Specialized Field]
    Cloud Computing, High-performance Computing (HPC), Computer system, System Software, Information Network, and related field.

    - Research and Education related to Cloud Computing, High-performance Computing (HPC), Computer system, System Software, Information Network and so on.
    - Managing and operation responsibilities related to installation, maintenance, administration and operation of the mdxⅡsystem deployed in the D3 Center at Osaka University..
    - Operation responsibilities of the mdx project (joint collaboration among 9 universities and two institutions in Japan)

  • Assigned department

    Existing departments

    D3 Center (Advanced High-performance Computing Infrastructure System Research Division)

Job type

  • Associate Professor

Research field

  • Informatics - High performance computing
  • Informatics - Computer system
  • Informatics - Information network


  • Annual Salary : 7 million yen ~ 10 million yen

    Based on “48. Salary Regulations for National University Corporation Osaka University Limited Term Staff (Specially Appointed Staff, etc.) Subject to Annual Salary System”
    Remuneration: 7,713,600〜9,478,500 JPY per annum. (Monthly payments of one-twelfth of annual salary)

    ・Remuneration is determined according to the works assigned to the successful applicant based on the applicant’s career and other qualifications.
    Commuting allowance
    *Bonuses and allowances for housing, dependency, and retirement are included in the above-mentioned annual salary and will not be paid separately.

Working hours

  • Working hours :08:30-17:15

    Holidays : Based on “38. Regulations Pertaining to Working Hours, Holidays and Leave for National University Corporation Osaka University Limited Term Staff”
    *The Discretionary Labor System, Special Work Type will be applied with the applicant’s consent. (deemed working hours: 8 hours a day)

Application requirements


  • Education and Degree Requirements

    Ph.D. / Doctor / Others

    A doctoral degree (including those who are expected to obtain by the starting date)

  • Description

    Applicants must have:
    (1) A doctoral degree (including those who are expected to obtain by the starting date)
    (2) Research achievements and results in any research field in described in “Specialized Field”.
    (3) Japanese language skills to complete the works in “6. Responsibilities”.
    (4) Ability to work in cooperation with faculty members and researchers of the D3 Center and the mdx project, and engineers of vendors which are in charge of the mdxⅡ system administration, and to carry out the works in “6. Responsibilities”.
    * Knowledge on such data science techniques as machine learning and artificial intelligence.
    * English language skills to complete the works in “6. Responsibilities”.
    * Knowledge and experience regarding installation, administration and management, user support/research support of high performance computing systems.
    * Willingness to contribute to the advancement of academic research in Japan as well as nurturing of young human resources with passion.

Employment Type

  • Regular employee


Contract period

  • Nontenured - Non-tenure track

    Until December 31, 2029 from the starting date
    *Following completion of the term, the contract may be extended subject to continuity of work and performance evaluation.
    *The maximum cumulative contract term is 10 years from the starting date, based on “Regulations Pertaining to Contract Period of National University Corporation Osaka University Fixed-term Staff, etc.”

    Probationary period present

    6 months

Work location

  • 567-0047 Osaka 5-1 Mihogaoka, Ibaraki

    Suita Campus


  • Various systems

    Transportation expenses : available

    Retirement age : available

  • Insurance

    Employees' Health Insurance : available

    Employees' Pension Insurance : available

    Worker's accident insurance : available

    Employment insurance : available

  • Measures for preventing passive smoking at the workplace

    *Osaka University campuses and related facilities are smoke-free, except for designated areas.

  • Supplementary explanation of compensation

    Based on “48. Salary Regulations for National University Corporation Osaka University Limited Term Staff (Specially Appointed Staff, etc.) Subject to Annual Salary System”

Application Considerations

  • Considerations for conducting interviews (e.g., those who live far away, such as overseas)

    For applicants residing overseas, the applicant may request an online interview.

Number of hired

    1 person(s)

    Hiring date : 2025/01/01

    Starting date : 2025/01/01

  • Job content supplemental explanation

    Jan. 1, 2025 (or as soon as possible thereafter)

Application period

  • 2024/09/05~2024/12/27 Deadline for receipt

Application method

  • Attached documents

    Application Form : Online Submission
    Achievements and Activities : Online Submission

    Other online application forms
    Application documents must be written in English or Japanese and submitted as PDF files.
    ①CV (2 page in principle): Use “Resume for educational/research positions” in the following link.
    ②A list of publications and other activities categorized in Original Papers, Reviews, Books, Conference Proceedings, Awards and Funds. If available, please provide the number for either Researchmap or ORCID.
    ③Reprints of 3 major original papers (No more than three papers. An outline of about 250 words for each paper.)
    ④An outline of your research and education until now (No specified format, approximately 3 pages of A4 in total)
    ⑤Aspiration for responsibilities described in in “6. Responsibilities”, research and education (No specified format, approximately 5 pages of A4 in total)
    ⑥Contact information (name, affiliation, and other information) of your two reference persons who can evaluate your work.
    *Personal information in the application documents will only be used for the purpose of screening and hiring procedures and will not be disclosed to any third party.

  • Return of application documents

    We will dispose of all application documents responsibly.

  • * Out of application period.

JREC-IN Portal web application
E-mail Application
Not available
Recruiting Institution's Web application system
Not available

Selection / Notification of result

  • Selection

    Document screening will be followed by interviews. Selected applicants will be notified.
    *Travel and accommodation fees necessary for interviews are to be covered by the applicant. For applicants residing overseas, the applicant may request an online interview.

  • Notification of result

    *Please note that unsuccessful applicants will not be contacted.

Contact details

Osaka University

D3 Center

Professor Susumu Date


Submit the documents through the JREC-IN portal site. (Do not send the documents to the contact person.)


Concerning work conditions other than the above-mentioned, please refer to “36.Work Regulations for National University Corporation Osaka University Limited Term Staff” and/or related regulations.
Please note that above-mentioned work conditions are as of the day this employment offer is posted, and are subject to change.
In principle, there will be no changes to the affiliation, work location, or responsibilities after employment.

After employment, the affiliation, work location, and responsibilities may be subject to change within the limits set by the University.
“Deemed exports" related to security export control are based on “Regulations Pertaining to Security Export Control”.

We also particularly encourage applications from female candidates.
Osaka University is committed to promoting gender equality and providing various supports for female academic staff members.

*Osaka University campuses and related facilities are smoke-free, except for designated areas.

*2024.10.25 [Extended Term] Revised application deadline, hire date, and end of employment period.
