Detailed information

Date of update : 2024/12/18 End date of accepting applications : 2025/01/20
Date of update : 2024/12/18
End date of accepting applications : 2025/01/20

Work location : Kyushu and Okinawa district - Kagoshima

Date of publication : 2024/12/18

Recruitment of Assistant Professor(Faculty of Education“English Education at Elementary School”)


National university

Kagoshima University

Research field : Humanities & Social Sciences - Foreign language education | Humanities & Social Sciences - Education on school subjects and primary/secondary education

Assistant Professor level : Regular employee - Tenured - Non-tenure track - Probationary period present

Job description

  • Background of the recruitment and description of the project

    English Department, Faculty of Education at Kagoshima University is seeking applicants specializing in English Education at Elementary School for a full-time assistant professor with tenure. The position will be required to have the teaching responsibilities shown as follows. Being in charge of "Phonetics for English Teachers I,"a person with enough knowledge and experience in the field of phonetics is preferable.
  • Work content and job description

    (1) Classes for English education major: English Education at Elementary School, Teaching English at Elementary School, Phonetics for English Teachers I, Practical Training for Teacher Education (Omnibus style) and other subjects related to English education
    (2) General Education: English, Basic Computer Literacy (Omnibus styleby allotment),First-Year Seminar I・II(Omnibus style)
    (3) Seminar on Graduation Thesis
    (4) Additional time for office hours and other administrative responsibilities (including entrance examination duties)

    *New subjects might also be added.

  • Assigned department

    Existing departments

    Education, Law, Economics and the Humanities Area, Research Field in Education, Kagoshima University

Job type

  • Assistant Professor level

Research field

  • Humanities & Social Sciences - Foreign language education
  • Humanities & Social Sciences - Education on school subjects and primary/secondary education


  • Annual Salary : 4 million yen ~ 6 million yen

    Salary: Based on Annual Salary Scheme

Working hours

  • Working hours :08:30-17:15

    Break time :12:00-13:00

    Holidays : Sundays, Saturdays, National Holidays, 29 December~3 January, 12/29~1/3 , (excluding the period of entrance exams)

    Overtime and other explanations : Working hours: Under the Discretionary Labor System for professional work, the working hours are prescribed to the allocated hours (7 hours and 45 minutes), irrespective of how much time you have actually spent on your work.

Application requirements


  • Education and Degree Requirements


    Master's degree or above in the appropriate subject area

  • Work experience

    (1) Master's degree or above in the appropriate subject area
    (2) Willingness to participate in the research and education in the subject area and contribute to the local community
    (3) Advanced proficiency and ability to supervise the undergraduate students for their graduation theses
    (4) Proficiency in Japanese sufficient to perform administrative duties, regardless of nationality

Employment Type

  • Regular employee

Contract period

  • Tenured - Non-tenure track

    Probationary period present

    6 months

Work location

  • 890-0065 Kagoshima Korimoto 1-20-6, Kagoshima-shi, 890-0065


  • Various systems

    Pay increase system : available
    under the university rules concerned

    Bonus : available
    under the university rules concerned

    Retirement allowances : available
    under the university rules concerned

    Transportation expenses : available
    under the university rules concerned

    Retirement age : available
    under the university rules concerned

  • Insurance

    Employees' Health Insurance : available(KKR)

    Employees' Pension Insurance : available

    Worker's accident insurance : available

    Employment insurance : available

  • Measures for preventing passive smoking at the workplace

    Smoking is prohibited on the campus.

Application Considerations

Number of hired

    1 person(s)

    Hiring date : 2025/04/01

    Starting date : 2025/04/01

Application period

  • 2024/12/18~2025/01/20 Deadline for receipt

Application method

  • Application documents (specified forms)

    • (確定版)教員公募要領(英語教育学(小学校英語):助教)英語版.pdf
    • 【記入例】2-01_別記様式第3号_履歴書(専任)20230919.pdf
    • 2-01 別記様式第3号 履歴書(専任)様式20230919.docx
    • 【記入例】2-01_別記様式第3号_業績目録(専任)20241209.pdf
    • 2-01 別記様式第3号 業績目録(専任)様式20230201.docx
  • Attached documents

    Application Form : Online Submission
    Achievements and Activities : Online Submission

    Other online application forms
    Apply via JREC-IN Portal Site by compressing all the documents into one file (such as zip file).
    (1) CV and email address
    (2) Full list of academic publications and research achievements
    (3) Full text of any publicaionts (within 10 items: dissertation, thesis, conference papers, or peer reviewed articles. File title should be that of each academic work. Academic works on practical teaching or English instruction should be specified in the file title. If the work is in book-form, only the part you contributed is required.)
    (4) Your research plan and your teaching policy (approximately 1,500 letters in Japanese each)
    please send (1)(2)(3) as Word files, (4)(5) as PDF files.

    Other Mailing Documents
    If you find it difficult to send some of the documents, send them to the following address by Letterpack Plus (red version).

  • Return of application documents


    We will NOT return the documents. However, please enclose an envelope of Letterpuck Plus with your address on it if you request your documents to be returned.

  • Application document submission method (physically mailed documents)

    890-0065 Kagoshima Korimoto 1-20-6, Kagoshima-shi
    MIZOGUCHI Kazuhiro, Dean of the Faculty of Education

    Precautions : with [英語教育講座教員応募書類(英語教育講座教員応募書類(英語教育学(小学校英語))] on the envelope with a red pen.

  • * Out of application period.

JREC-IN Portal web application
E-mail Application
Not available
Recruiting Institution's Web application system
Not available

Selection / Notification of result

  • Selection

    Document screening and interviews. Interviews are conducted onsite or online based on individual consideration. (Note: Transportation and accomodation costs for attending onsite interviews will be acquired by the applicant.)
    Scheduled interview date: Thursday, February 13, 2025

  • Notification of result

    The results will be notified on JREC-IN portal site around February 10 (Mon.), 2025.The finalist will be notified the result by e-mail.

Contact details

Kagoshima University

Research field and teaching subjects

HIYOSHI Takeshi, Chair, HR Committee

If you have any questions about the job role,
please contact:
HIYOSHI Takeshi, Chair, HR Committee

How to send your documents
Faculty of Education, Secretary office


(1) If employed, the applicant should live in or near Kagoshima City.
(2) In accordance with the spirit of the Basic Act for Gender Equal Society, we are actively promoting initiatives related to gender equality, and we welcome applications from female researchers. See below for details.
 (Center for Promotion of Gender Equality  
(3) Any personal information supplied in your application will be strictly protected according to the regulations of Kagoshima University and used for no other purpose than employment selection.
(4) Applicants who have had a penalty for sexual harassment against students before should notify the details about it in CV. If there is a false statement, the recruitment would be cancelled.
